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[Security Solution] [Bug] Error displayed on editing the filter controls on alert page in custom space when no rule is installed or no custom rule is added. #214717




Describe the bug:
This undefined error displayed on editing filter controls on alert page of kibana custom space, user have not installed any rule or added any custom rule.

Kibana/Elasticsearch Stack version:
VERSION: 8.18.0
BUILD: 82701
COMMIT: 9df464f

Browser and Browser OS versions:
Google Chrome Version 134.0.6998.89 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Pre Conditions:

  1. Kibana v8.18.0 must be available.
  2. A custom space should be created.
  3. No rule should be installed and no custom rule should be added.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to Alerts page.
  2. Click on three dots > 'Edit Controls' option.
  3. Click on pencil icon to edit Users field or Severity field.
  4. Observe the undefined error displayed and list of controls is not loading.

Current behavior:
Error displayed on editing the filter controls on alert page in custom space when no rule is installed or no custom rule is added.

Expected behavior:
The error should be defined to update the user to install rules or add custom rules

What's working:
User is able to edit the filter controls on alert page when rules are available.


Screen Recording





No one assigned


    Team: SecuritySolutionSecurity Solutions Team working on SIEM, Endpoint, Timeline, Resolver, etc.Team:Threat HuntingSecurity Solution Threat Hunting TeamTeam:Threat Hunting:InvestigationsSecurity Solution Investigations TeambugFixes for quality problems that affect the customer experienceimpact:lowAddressing this issue will have a low level of impact on the quality/strength of our product.triage_neededv8.18.0



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