[Defend Workflows]UI Flickers When Opening and Closing the Help Section #206384
Describe the bug:
- UI Flickers When Opening and Closing the Help Section
Build Details:
VERSION: 9.0.0 PR, shared by @tomsonpl
BUILD: 82493
COMMIT: ec603f0
Login Credentials
- Kibana should be running.
- Crowdstrike Alert should be present
- Response console should have the data on it run multiple actions for the same
Steps to Reproduce
- Navigate to the Response Console from the Crowdstrike alert
- Create data on the response console by running multiple actions for the same
- Now Open the help section and then Close it
- Observe that UI Flickers When Opening and Closing the Help Section
Actual result
- UI Flickers When Opening and Closing the Help Section
Expected Result
- UI should not Flickers When Opening and Closing the Help Section
- N/A
- Figure out why when opening and closing quickly the help panel has this behaviour.
- If possible, fix the height change on the console content section.