After the last few merges on main we got a few integration tests failures:
It seems that APM config is not correctly propagated to components anymore: in the test the component tries to use the default parameters attempting to connect to APM server onhttp://localhost:8200/intake/v2/events
Update: it seems that in the latest 8.11.0-SNAPSHOT elastic cloud version the APM server endpoint returns 502/503 HTTP error. Testing against 8.10.2 makes the test pass. Opened Fix apm test #3504 to set 8.10.2 version for apm integration test until the issue is solved. -
This test seems trying to downgrade on the same snapshot build:this is similar to Flaky test: TestUpgradeBrokenPackageVersion #3454 and we expected to be fixed in Refactor and fix all upgrade integration tests #3477upgrade_downgrade_test.go:86: Error Trace: /home/ubuntu/agent/testing/integration/upgrade_downgrade_test.go:86 Error: Received unexpected error: failed to start agent upgrade to version "8.11.0": exit status 1 Error: Failed trigger upgrade of daemon: TarInstaller: creating file /opt/Elastic/Agent/data/elastic-agent-35dbbd/elastic-agent: open /opt/Elastic/Agent/data/elastic-agent-35dbbd/elastic-agent: text file busy For help, please see our troubleshooting guide at Test: TestStandaloneDowngradeToSpecificSnapshotBuild
Update: this test seems to be just flaky. Will update Flaky test: TestUpgradeBrokenPackageVersion #3454 adding this testcase and further updates will be tracked in the specific issue. -
This was already identified as flaky (twice, tracked by [Meta] Flaky integration tests #3357 and Flaky Test: TestInstallWithEndpointSecurityAndRemoveEndpointIntegration/* #3480)
Update: this test is also as flaky as tracked in the specific issue, will track further updates there.