http_endpoint: 7.14.0 breaks backwards compatibility by encoding numbers as strings #27382
For confirmed bugs, please report:
- Version: 7.14.0
- Operating System: -
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- Steps to Reproduce: -
Run filebeat with the following conf:
# filebeat.yml snippet
- type: http_endpoint
listen_address: localhost
listen_port: 9999
$ ./filebeat run -e -N -d '*'
Ingest a document containing a number:
$ curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9999/' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"a":42}'
The following document is produced:
2021-08-14T11:20:13.886+0200 DEBUG [processors] processing/processors.go:203 Publish event: {
"@timestamp": "2021-08-14T09:20:13.886Z",
"@metadata": {
"beat": "filebeat",
"type": "_doc",
"version": "8.0.0"
"json": {
"a": "42"
"input": {
"type": "http_endpoint"
This can break existing ingest pipelines that are expecting numbers instead of strings.
This is caused by #26279 changing the input to use Decoder.UseNumber flag.