- Version: 7.8.0
- Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- Create this filebeat.yml in a new directory
- type: log
- /test/readme.log
max_bytes: 1024
pretty: true
Note: The config specifies a 1MB limit on a single file
Run this bash command:
dd if=/dev/zero of=$(pwd)/readme.log bs=1MB count=100 && docker run -d --memory=50MB --memory-swappiness=0 -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -v $(pwd)/readme.log:/test/readme.log filebeat --path.config $(pwd) -e
Note: This command creates a 100MB file called "readme.log" and mounts it to filebeat as the /test/readme.log
file. It sets a 50MB limit in the docker container.
Expected: command runs file, filebeat reads 1MB of data from readme.log before realizing the line is too long, and then seeks without buffering the rest of the line in memory.
Actual: filebeat reads all 100MB of the file into memory searching for a newline and OOMs
$ docker inspect 0945c | grep "OOM"
"OOMKilled": true,
This is pretty bad for us, if we make a mistake and log a huge line filebeat gets OOM killed. Filebeat should stop buffering a line once it exceeds max_bytes