go get github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis
go get github.com/satori/go.uuid
go get github.com/ekhabarov/bbeye
go get github.com/ekhabarov/go-redis-dsg
. ./env; go-redis-dsg
MPORT=8082 MODE=generator go-dgen
- get all errors fromREDIS_ERROR_QUEUE
list, print them and delete them from Redis.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
MPORT | integer | 8080 | Port for expvarmon monitoring tool. |
GENERATOR_PING_INTERVAL | integer | 10 | Number of seconds between ping requests while checking is generator working. |
GENERATOR_INTERVAL | integer | 500 | Number of milliseconds between new messages. |
REDIS_URL | string | '' | Redis address. |
REDIS_QUEUE | string | 'a' | Redis list name which contains generated messages. |
REDIS_ERROR_QUEUE | string | 'errors' | Redis list name with processes but invalid messages. |
REDIS_POOL_SIZE | int | 100 | Maximum number of connections to Redis |
CONSUMER_MAX_GOROUTINES | integer | 10000 | Maximum number of goroutines using for processing messages. |
Application has two working modes: generator
and consumer
In this mode app generates messages and send it to Redis list with name
provided by REDIS_QUEUE
variable, with LPUSH
command, every
milliseconds. Generated message is just string of format
uuid + " " + timstamp
Only one generator can work at moment.
Generator could be stopped without any preparation.
In this mode:
- App waits messages from
list usingBRPOP
command. - It processes message within random number of milliseconds.
- It sends processed messages into
Go chan and "invalid" messages tobad
Go chan. Frombad
chan all messages transfer toREDIS_ERROR_QUEUE
list. - Every
seconds consumer sends ping requests to Redis, to check if generator is working or not. If generator is working consumer will contoinue to work, if generator is not working, consumer will stop all workers and it will switch to generator mode.
In the end only one generator will working.