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11 Commits

Repository files navigation

			  ,ad8888ba,    ad88888ba   88888888ba   
			 d8"'    `"8b  d8"     "8b  88      "8b  
			d8'            Y8,          88      ,8P  
			88             `Y8aaaaa,    88aaaaaa8P'  
			88      88888    `"""""8b,  88""""""'    
			Y8,        88          `8b  88           
			 Y8a.    .a88  Y8a     a8P  88           
			  `"Y88888P"    "Y88888P"   88           


			88888888ba   88888888ba     ,ad8888ba,   I8,        8        ,8I   ad88888ba   88888888888  88888888ba     ad88888ba   
			88      "8b  88      "8b   d8"'    `"8b  `8b       d8b       d8'  d8"     "8b  88           88      "8b   d8"     "8b  
			88      ,8P  88      ,8P  d8'        `8b  "8,     ,8"8,     ,8"   Y8,          88           88      ,8P   Y8,          
			88aaaaaa8P'  88aaaaaa8P'  88          88   Y8     8P Y8     8P    `Y8aaaaa,    88aaaaa      88aaaaaa8P'   `Y8aaaaa,    
			88""""""8b,  88""""88'    88          88   `8b   d8' `8b   d8'      `"""""8b,  88"""""      88""""88'       `"""""8b,  
			88      `8b  88    `8b    Y8,        ,8P    `8a a8'   `8a a8'             `8b  88           88    `8b             `8b  
			88      a8P  88     `8b    Y8a.    .a8P      `8a8'     `8a8'      Y8a     a8P  88           88     `8b    Y8a     a8P  
			88888888P"   88      `8b    `"Y8888Y"'        `8'       `8'        "Y88888P"   88888888888  88      `8b    "Y88888P"   

			!(The Browser wars)[]

			Engines: IE, Webkit, Mozilla
			IE 6,7,8,9? 
			Firefox 2,3.x,4?
			Opera 10?
			 - The layered cake (HTML, CSS, Javascript)
			 - Compatibility

			88        88  888888888888  88b           d88  88           
			88        88       88       888b         d888  88           
			88        88       88       88`8b       d8'88  88           
			88aaaaaaaa88       88       88 `8b     d8' 88  88           
			88""""""""88       88       88  `8b   d8'  88  88           
			88        88       88       88   `8b d8'   88  88           
			88        88       88       88    `888'    88  88           
			88        88       88       88     `8'     88  88888888888 

			- HTML -> Data og struktur

			<h1> - <h6>

			 - HTML5 -> Hva er nytt, når kan du bruke det?
			 - Hva kommer RDFa 

			<!DOCTYPE html>
			    <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />
			    <title>Example Blog</title>
			    <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title=" - forsida" href="" >     
			    <link rel="stylesheet" href="master.css" type="text/css" media="screen" title="We got style" charset="utf-8">
			      <p>Insert Smart Byline.</p>
			        <li><a href="/">Blog</a></li>
			        <li><a href="/about">About</a></li>
			        <li><a href="/sitemap">Sitemap</a></li>
			          <h2>Title for my blog Post</h2>
			          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>
			          <!-- HTML MICRODATA-->
			          <p itemprop="author">Author: <span itemprop="name">Example Authorson</span></p>

			  ,ad8888ba,    ad88888ba    ad88888ba   
			 d8"'    `"8b  d8"     "8b  d8"     "8b  
			d8'            Y8,          Y8,          
			88             `Y8aaaaa,    `Y8aaaaa,    
			88               `"""""8b,    `"""""8b,  
			Y8,                    `8b          `8b  
			 Y8a.    .a8P  Y8a     a8P  Y8a     a8P  
			  `"Y8888Y"'    "Y88888P"    "Y88888P"   

			<style type="text/css" media="screen">
			      body, #id, .class, #id > .scope, .scope:hover{
				background: #FFF;
				background-color: rgb(255,255,255);
				background-color: rgba(255,255,255,.7);
				background-image: url(image.png);
				background-position: top left;
				background-repeat: no-repeat;
				background-attachment: fixed;
				border: 1px solid gray;
				border-width: 1px 0 1px 0;
				border-color: #DDD #EEE #EEE #DDD;
				color: #333;
				cursor: pointer;
				content: "-";
				display: block;
				direction: rtl;
				float: left;
				font-size: 16px;
				font-weight: bold;
				font-family: arial;
				font-style: italic;
				height: 30px;
				letter-spacing: -1px;
				line-height: 1;
				list-style: none;
				margin: 0 0 0 0;
				min-width: 20px;
				max-height: 30px;
				opacity: .7;
				outline: none;
				outline-color: #DEF;
				outline-style: double;
				outline-width: 2px;
				padding: 0;
				position: static;
					top: 0;
					right: 0;		
					bottom: 0;
					left: 0;
				text-align: left;
				text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #777;
				text-indent: 20px;
				text-decoration: line-through;
				text-transform: uppercase;
				vertical-align: middle;
				width: 35px;
				white-space: nowrap;
				word-spacing: -1px;



			- CSS -> Utseende, og enkel oppf√∏rsel
			 - Selectors, syntax og struktur
			 - CSS frameworks (960gs, blueprint:

			 - CSS 3 -> Quirks, bakoverkompabilitet, browser st√∏tte

			 - @fontface -> the web is more than 8 fonts
			 - @media selectors
				  - Screen & print
				  - device og andre parametre

			 - LESS, SASS, Scaffold

			        88        db   8b           d8   db         ad88888ba     ,ad8888ba,   88888888ba   88  88888888ba  888888888888  
			        88       d88b  `8b         d8'  d88b       d8"     "8b   d8"'    `"8b  88      "8b  88  88      "8b      88       
			        88      d8'`8b  `8b       d8'  d8'`8b      Y8,          d8'            88      ,8P  88  88      ,8P      88       
			        88     d8'  `8b  `8b     d8'  d8'  `8b     `Y8aaaaa,    88             88aaaaaa8P'  88  88aaaaaa8P'      88       
			        88    d8YaaaaY8b  `8b   d8'  d8YaaaaY8b      `"""""8b,  88             88""""88'    88  88""""""'        88       
			        88   d8""""""""8b  `8b d8'  d8""""""""8b           `8b  Y8,            88    `8b    88  88               88       
			88,   ,d88  d8'        `8b  `888'  d8'        `8b  Y8a     a8P   Y8a.    .a8P  88     `8b   88  88               88       
			 "Y8888P"  d8'          `8b  `8'  d8'          `8b  "Y88888P"     `"Y8888Y"'   88      `8b  88  88               88       

			<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">



			- Javascript -> Oppførsel
			 - Java is to Javascript, what car is to carpet.
				 Java code needs to be compiled, while JavaScript code are all in text.
			 - JS Frameworks (jQuery:, YUI:, Mootools:, Sencha (ext):
			 - Ajax: hva er det, og når bruker du det?

			 - JSON & JSONP
			 - Javascript på serveren (node.js)
			 - Testing av javascript (jsLint, jsTestDriver, YUI testframework)
			 - Input escaping, cross site scripting

			888888888888  ,ad8888ba,    88        88    ,ad8888ba,   88        88  
			     88      d8"'    `"8b   88        88   d8"'    `"8b  88        88  
			     88     d8'        `8b  88        88  d8'            88        88  
			     88     88          88  88        88  88             88aaaaaaaa88  
			     88     88          88  88        88  88             88""""""""88  
			     88     Y8,        ,8P  88        88  Y8,            88        88  
			     88      Y8a.    .a8P   Y8a.    .a8P   Y8a.    .a8P  88        88  
			     88       `"Y8888Y"'     `"Y8888Y"'     `"Y8888Y"'   88        88  
			- Touch devices
			 - A whole new world (keyboard & mus vs. Pekefinger eller flere fingre )
			 - Hvordan håndteres det idag, hvordan tilpasser vi sidene?


			Touch Events: 
			- Tap
			- Doubletap
			- Drag
			- Flick
			- Pinch
			- Spread
			- Press
			- Press & Tap
			- Press & Drag
			- Rotate

			Single vs. Multi finger

			88888888ba,    88888888888  88888888ba   88        88    ,ad8888ba,   
			88      `"8b   88           88      "8b  88        88   d8"'    `"8b  
			88        `8b  88           88      ,8P  88        88  d8'            
			88         88  88aaaaa      88aaaaaa8P'  88        88  88             
			88         88  88"""""      88""""""8b,  88        88  88      88888  
			88         8P  88           88      `8b  88        88  Y8,        88  
			88      .a8P   88           88      a8P  Y8a.    .a8P   Y8a.    .a88  
			88888888Y"'    88888888888  88888888P"    `"Y8888Y"'     `"Y88888P"   


			- Optimering og debugging
			 - Firebug, console ->
			 - Testing in browsers -> 
			 - SEO ->
			 - Accessability ->
			 - Sideoptimalisering:
			  - Fart betyr noe:
			  - Minifiering, Css sprites, ySlow og pagespeed.
			 - Å se på minifierte filer

			  ,ad8888ba,    88888888ba  888888888888  88  88b           d88  88  888888888888  88888888888 
			 d8"'    `"8b   88      "8b      88       88  888b         d888  88           ,88  88          
			d8'        `8b  88      ,8P      88       88  88`8b       d8'88  88         ,88"   88          
			88          88  88aaaaaa8P'      88       88  88 `8b     d8' 88  88       ,88"     88aaaaa     
			88          88  88""""""'        88       88  88  `8b   d8'  88  88     ,88"       88"""""     
			Y8,        ,8P  88               88       88  88   `8b d8'   88  88   ,88"         88          
			 Y8a.    .a8P   88               88       88  88    `888'    88  88  88"           88          
			  `"Y8888Y"'    88               88       88  88     `8'     88  88  888888888888  88888888888 

			- Flash
				- Flash animation and effects is easy to create and easy to view
				- Flash is independent of browsers and operating systems.  
					It can be viewed correctly by anyone who has the Flash plug-in.
				- Flash banners have higher click-through rates than static gifs.
				- Flash can be quick to develop with many existing frameworks/plugins.
				- Video works well in Flash applications. You can create a video editing suite in flash.

				-Search engines crawl text, not Flash intros and bannersIt’s tough to get an all-Flash website
				 to rank high in search engines. Search engines have problems indexing images, even text 
				 rendered as an image. HTML pages get indexed in search engines like Google while Flash pages do not.
				- Plugin - version control and upgrades for the users
				- Accessibility
				- Touch devices 

				Steve Jobs on Flash ->


Setup for GSP-kurs






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