Simple Web and REST interface for downloading youtube videos onto a server. bottle
+ youtube-dl
Forked from manbearwiz/youtube-dl-server.
For easier deployment, a docker image is available on dockerhub.
This example uses the docker run command to create the container to run the app. Note the -v
argument to specify the volume and its binding on the host. This directory will be used to output the resulting videos.
docker run -d --name youtube-dl -v $HOME/youtube-dl:/youtube-dl nbr23/youtube-dl-server
This is an example service definition that could be put in docker-compose.yml
image: "nbr23/youtube-dl-server"
- $HOME/youtube-dl:/youtube-dl
restart: always
For easier configuration management and edition, you can save your variables in an external file and source them in your docker-compose.yml like the following example.
Configuration file config.env
image: "nbr23/youtube-dl-server"
- ./config.env
- $HOME/youtube-dl:/youtube-dl
restart: always
If you have python ^3.3.0 installed in your PATH you can simply run like this, providing optional environment variable overrides inline.
YDL_SERVER_PORT=8123 python3 -u ./
Downloads can be triggered by supplying the {{url}}
of the requested video through the Web UI or through the REST interface via curl, etc.
Just navigate to http://{{host}}:8080/
and enter the requested {{url}}
curl -X POST --data-urlencode "url={{url}}" http://{{host}}:8080/api/downloads
fetch(`http://${host}:8080/api/downloads`, {
method: "POST",
body: new URLSearchParams({
url: url,
format: "bestvideo"
Add the following bookmarklet to your bookmark bar so you can conviently send the current page url to your youtube-dl-server instance.
If your youtube-dl-server is served through https (behind a reverse proxy handling https for example), you can use the following bookmarklet:
javascript:fetch("https://${host}/api/downloads",{body:new URLSearchParams({url:window.location.href,format:"bestvideo"}),method:"POST"});
If you are hosting it without HTTPS, the previous bookmarklet will likely be blocked by your browser (as it will generate mixed content when used on HTTPS sites). Instead, you can use the following bookmarklet:
javascript:(function(){document.body.innerHTML += '<form name="ydl_form" method="POST" action="http://${host}/api/downloads"><input name="url" type="url" value="'+window.location.href+'"/></form>';document.ydl_form.submit()})();
The server uses bottle
for the web framework and youtube-dl
to handle the downloading. The integration with youtube-dl makes use of their python api.
This docker image is based on python:alpine
and consequently alpine:3.8