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An ML Project Proposal & Design Doc for Detecting Glaucoma


1. Overview

Glaucoma is the 2nd leading cause of blindness, affecting 57.5 million people worldwide. Routine eye examinations are an opportunity to identify Glaucoma in its early stages. However, many optometrists lack access to advanced screening technology. One study performed in the UK showed that the mean accuracy of a community optometrist viewing the fundus alone was 62%. Meanwhile, an AI screening tool had an accuracy of 93%. This project aims to provide healthcare application developers in optometry and telemedicine with access to highly accurate and cost-effective glaucoma screening technology. If successful, "Glaucoma Screening Service" will be made publicly available via paid API. (See References for supporting evidence.)

2. Motivation

Hospitals and healthcare providers exploring AI screening models have done so in isolation, developing their own in-house models. Yet other healthcare companies do not have the resources to build their models and thus seek to decrease their time to market by using off-the-shelf models. The cost of allowing Glaucoma to go undiagnosed is high. Research shows that vision loss is associated with higher Medicare beneficiary costs for trauma, depression, subacute nursing facilities, and nursing homes. A person in the Medicare population with mild vision loss < 20/40 accrues an average of $5,302 in direct medical costs. In contrast, a person with severe vision loss accrues an average of $9,994 in direct medical costs. Therefore, patients, the government, and insurers are especially interested in technology that improves the accuracy and cost-effectiveness of Glaucoma screening.

3. Success metrics

Business Metrics

The proposed model will be sold to healthcare application developers in the fields of optometry and telemedicine. Telehealth providers could prove to be optimal adopters since their business models are agile and they are tech savvy. The success metrics below examine what it would look like to pursue US telemedicine companies as customers in Year 1.
Year 1 Sales Assumptions

  • There are 1,387 telemedicine providers in the US as of 2023
  • 1% market share obtained in Year 1 = 13 customers
  • Annual licensing fee of $10,000
  • Gross Income = 13 * $10,000 = $130,000

Year 1 Cost of Development & Maintenance Metrics *See Cost of MVP and Estimated Monthly Cost for detailed breakdowns.

  • MVP cost of $14,617.46
  • Maintenance cost of $10,494
  • Total Year 1 Costs = $14,617.46 + $10,494 = ~$25,111

Year 1 Project ROI

  • ROI = (Net Income – Cost of Development)/Cost of Development
  • ROI = (130,000 –25,111)/25,111 = 435%

Customer Satisfaction & Product Engagement Metrics

  • Net promoter score of 85+ among physicians
  • 90% of users run predictions daily Agile
  • Team members have an average velocity of 8 story points per two-week sprint Quality The service API must be available at least 99.9% of the time The service must receive updates at least quarterly to enhance the product performance, incorporate new data

4. Requirements & Constraints

Functional Requirement:

High-level user stories and acceptance criteria. A "user" in the stories below represents an external electronic health record system (EHR) that interfaces with this Rest API to generate glaucoma screening results, which will be reviewed by physicians. Table 1

# User Story Acceptance Criteria Release Estimate
1 A user would like to be able to submit their prediction via Rest API for ease of access A request to /glaucomaservice/v1/predict containing fundus eye image and unique image identifier receives a JSON response with prediction, status code and datetime stamp V1 2
2 A user would like to authenticate via OAuth2 so that data access is secure A request authenticated via OAuth2 is accepted while an unauthenticated request results in an error V1 2
3 A user would like to submit an eye fundus image and receive a "suspected glaucoma" result when the eye is glaucomatous-looking so that they can confirm or reevaluate their diagnosis When an image of a known glaucomatous eye is submitted, a "glaucoma suspected" result is returned V1 2
4 A user would like to submit an eye fundus image and receive a "benign" result when no glaucomatous features are detected so that they can confirm or reevaluate their diagnosis When an image of a known normal eye is submitted, a "benign" result is returned V1 2
5 A user would like to submit an eye fundus image and receive a "further testing required" result when the model confidence is 75% or less so that the user can refer the patient for further testing When an image of an eye with irregular or alternate pathology is presented, a "further testing required" result is returned V1 2
6 The model must be able to accept fundus eye images in JPEG format A request including a JPEG image is accepted, while a request with a PNG image results in an error code V1 1
7 The model must be able to handle square images and no other shape A request including a square image is accepted, and a request with a rectangle image results in an error code V1 1
8 The model should only be able to use full-color images and not grayscale A full-color image is accepted by the model, while a grayscale image results in an error response V1 1
9 The model must be able to use images with sizes between 224x224 and 800x800 A request with an image with dimensions 224x224 is accepted, while an image with dimensions 900x900 results in an error status code V1 2
10 The model must be able to differentiate between normal and glaucomatous eyes with an accuracy of at least 90% A model that fails to have an accuracy of at least 90% triggers a manual review V1 3
11 The model must be able to differentiate between normal and glaucomatous eyes with a specificity of at least 88% A model that fails to have a specificity of at least 88% triggers a manual review V1 3
12 The model must be able to differentiate between normal and glaucomatous eyes with a sensitivity of at least 92% A model that fails to have a sensitivity of at least 92% triggers a manual review V1 3
13 A business user would like to be able to request prior predictions so that they can be reviewed ad-hoc to comply with SLAs and audits A request for predictions made between 11/01/2023 and 12/01/23 by Biosciences LLC is fulfilled and contains the datetime stamp of prediction, result and unique internal identifier maintained by Biosciences LLC V1 3
14 The site operations team would like to be paged when the service goes down or when over 5% of HTPP responses have a 400 or 500 code within 15 minutes so that the service can be returned to its normal state When 10% of response codes are 400 or 500, a SOPS engineer is paged V1 1
Total 32

Non-Functional Requirements

The effort for these requirements is included in the estimates above.

  • A model prediction must be generated in less than 10 seconds
  • Less than 2 bugs per 1000 lines of code is discovered upon release

4.1 Out of Scope:

Table 2

Explainability Enhancements for V1.1

User Story Release Estimate Image
The model must be able to identify neuroretinal thinning which is associated with Glaucoma V1.1 TBD
The model must be able to identify peripapillary atrophy which is associated with Glaucoma V1.1 TBD
The model must be able to identify disc hemorrhage which is associated with Glaucoma V1.1 TBD
The model must be able to identify high cup-to-disc ratio which is associated with Glaucoma V1.1 TBD

5. Methodology

  1. Architecture selection - This project will evaluate the accuracy of a VGG16 convolutional neural network in classifying eyes as "Glaucomatous" and "Non-Glaucomotous". VGG16 architecture has been chosen for its ability to classify small images with little data loss.
  2. Data selection – The recently published ACRIMA dataset is selected to for its consistency and quality. The images are clear, centered, and patients were screened by glaucoma experts.
  3. Data Preprocessing – Images are resized to improve consistency. The data is augmented to be able to handle flipped, rotated, and off-center images.
  4. Training – Model hyperparameters will be adjusted to find the optimal performance.
  5. Evaluation – The model will be evaluated using 10-fold cross-validation and performance metrics calculated.

5.1. Problem statement

Glaucoma detection is a supervised classification problem.

5.2. Data

The ACRIMA dataset contains a total of 705 fundus images, 309 normal eyes, and 396 eyes with confirmed or suspected Glaucoma.

5.3. Techniques

Data Preprocessing

  • Original image coefficients are rescaled to be between 0 and 1 by multiplying by a factor of 1/255.
  • Images are standardized to be 224 x 224 pixels.
  • Training images will be flipped horizontally and vertically, shifted, and rotated randomly to account for variations within the dataset.

5.4. Experimentation & Validation

  • Data will be split into training and validation sets using a split ratio of 4:1.
  • The accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity of the model will be measured and compared to similar models which had an accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity of 90%, 88%, and 92%.(6)
  • Two optimizers will be compared, Adam and SGD.
  • Categorical cross-entropy will be used as the cost function since it can accept the output of the final SoftMax layer.

5.5. Human-in-the-loop

Predictions with a confidence level below 75% will contain a message that indicates the user should undergo additional screening. This model should not be used to assess Glaucoma in individuals with diseases that can mimic it, including ischemic and compressive optic neuropathies. (7)

6. Implementation

6.1. High-Level Design

6.2. Infra Costs

Estimated Monthly Costs

Description Unit Qty. Cost per Unit Subtotal
Engineering Maintenance Cost 2 Stories $456 $912
Sagemaker Notebook Instance ml.t3.medium 8 Hours $0.0464 $0.37
S3 Standard Storage First TB 1 Month $.023 $.023
SageMaker Processing ml.t3.large 4 Hours $0.10 $$0.40
SageMaker Training ml.m5.large 4 Hours $0.115 $0.46
SageMaker Real Time Inference ml.t2.medium 730 Hours $0.056 $40.88
AWS Lambda Free Tier 300,000 GB-seconds Up to 400K Free $0.000
Total $954.00
Table 3

6.3. Performance (Throughput, Latency)

  • The glaucoma screening service will scale horizontally to be able to handle a maximum of 1,000 requests per minute.
  • The service must return a response for one prediction in less than 10 seconds.

6.4. Security

Users of the service will authenticate via OAuth 2.0.

6.5. Data Privacy

Patient fundus images will be stored encrypted with the external system's unique identifier. None of the information posted to the API will be shared with 3rd parties.

6.6. Monitoring & Alarms

Model Performance Monitoring

Each major release triggers a reevaluation of model performance metrics to ensure it performs well. Monitoring for Service API HTTP responses with 400 and 500 codes will be logged in a Splunk dashboard. Log messages must not contain any patient data. If over 5% of HTPP responses have a 400 or 500 code within 15 minutes, Splunk will trigger an alert to the site operations team. If the service goes down, an alert will be triggered.

6.7. Cost

These are the initial costs to design, train and launch a model. AWS services will be turned off when not used.

Cost of MVP

Description Unit Qty. Cost per Unit Subtotal
Engineering Cost *See Table 1 32 Stories $456 $14,592
Sagemaker Notebook Instance ml.t3.medium 256 Hours $0.0464 $11.88
S3 Standard Storage 2 Months $.023 $0.046
SageMaker Processing ml.t3.large 72 Hours $.10 $7.20
SageMaker Training ml.m5.large 18 Hours $0.115 $2.07
SageMaker Real Time Inference ml.t2.medium 72 Hours $0.056 $4.03
AWS Lambda Free Tier 300,000 GB-seconds Includes up to 400K $0.00
Total $14,617.46
Table 4

6.8. Integration points

Generate Prediction Request


Request Field Field Type Field Description
unique_id String Unique identifier of this fundus eye image from the user’s system
image String Base64 encoded image


Response Field Field Type Field Description
unique_id String Unique identifier of this fundus eye image from the user’s system
status String Response status code
prediction String The result of the prediction can be “Suspected glaucoma”, “Benign” or “Further testing required”

*Oauth2 details omitted

6.9. Risks & Uncertainties

According to research, machine learning models developed to detect Glaucoma can perform far differently in real-world applications. This is mainly due to the use of differing fundus photography equipment. Improvement to the image preprocessing strategy may be necessary.

7. Appendix


  • Table 1 – Functional Requirements
  • Table 2 – Out Scope
  • Table 3 – Estimated Monthly Costs
  • Table 4 – Cost of MVP

7.1. Milestones & Timeline

  • Jul 26 - Aug 2 – Data wrangling
  • Aug 3 – Aug 9 – Model training and validation
  • Aug 10 – Aug 16: REST API development
  • Aug 17 – Aug 23: Audit database built and alerts/monitoring set up
  • Aug 24 – Aug 31 – Testing
  • Sept 1: API Release

7.2. Glossary

Glaucoma - Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that lead to damage of the optic nerve, which is important for transmitting visual information from the eye to the brain. This damage is often caused by increased pressure within the eye, known as intraocular pressure (IOP) and may cause vision loss if left untreated. The word glaucoma originated from the Greek word ΓλαύV̇ξ (glaukos), which means "to glow". Glaucoma has been called the "silent thief of sight" because the loss of vision usually occurs slowly over a long period of time. It is associated with old age, a family history of glaucoma, and certain medical conditions or medications.

EHR - An electronic health record (EHR) is the systematized collection of patient and population electronically-stored health information in a digital format. These records can be shared across different healthcare settings. Records are shared through network-connected, enterprise-wide information systems or other information networks and exchanges. EHRs may include a range of data, including demographics, medical history, medication and allergies, immunization status, laboratory test results, radiology images, vital signs, personal statistics like age and weight, and billing information.

7.3. References



Machine learning design document created by Elizabeth Haynie.






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