Wipe description on Telegram when a linked chat does not have a description/member list #124
您正在使用 EFB Telegram 主端 2.3.1,运行于默认配置档案与实例、EFB 版本 2.1.1。
已激活 1 个从端:
- 💬 WeChat Slave (blueset.wechat, 2.0.7)
已启用 7 个中间件:
- Filter Middleware (filter.FilterMiddleware, 1.1.1)
- Search Message Middleware (catbaron.search_msg, 0.1.0)
- Patch Middleware (patch.PatchMiddleware, 2.0.19)
- KeywordMention Middleware (keywordmention.MatrixLauMiddlware, 2.1.0)
- Solitaire Middleware (solitaire.MatrixLauMiddleware, 1.3.0)
- MP InstantView Middleware (catbaron.mp_instantview, 0.3.2)
- Voice Recognition Middleware (catbaron.voice_recog, 1.0.3)
Only chat related to a group that /update_info
will update the info of chat in Telegram
If so when I related a private to a chat that once related to a group, the chat info in Telegram will be STILL the member list of the group
Maybe if related to a private will erase the info of the chat in Telegram or set the info into the details of this private?
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