A template to create Google Chrome Extensions with Elm and Webpack as the module-bundler
- clean-webpack-plugin to clean the output directory before every build
- copy-webpack-plugin to copy static resources to the output directory
- mini-css-extract-plugin to extract CSS stylesheets as a separate bundle to the output directory
- optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin to optimize the extracted CSS
- html-webpack-plugin to inject entry-points into the startup html page to the output directory
- uglifyjs-webpack-plugin to minify JavaScript before bundling them to the output directory
- html-loader to bundle html entry points
- style-loader to bundle CSS stylesheets
- css-loader to work with style-loader for bundling of CSS stylesheets
- sass-loader to transpile SCSS into regular CSS
- file-loader to work with other file types
- eslint-loader to run ESLint on JavaScript files
- babel-loader to perform babel transpilations with the help of supporting dependencies
- elm-webpack-loader to load elm files
- babel-core, babel-preset-env to support babel-loader
- eslint, babel-eslint, to support eslint-loader in running ESLint to lint JavaScript files
- sass to help sass-loader with transpilation of SCSS into regular CSS
- webpack-merge to be able to use a common configuration across dev and prod
- webpack-dev-server to be able to live-reload the web-browser when run in live mode.
npm run debug
to run Webpack with development configuration.
In this mode, Webpack generates source-maps for bundled JavaScript resources to simplify debugging of JavaScript in the web-browser.npm run dev
to run Webpack with development configuration and keep watching for file changes within source.
In this mode, Webpack generates source-maps for bundled JavaScript resources to simplify debugging of JavaScript in the web-browser.npm run live
to run Webpack with development configuration and keep watching for file changes within source and reload the web-browser on every change.
In this mode, Webpack generates source-maps for bundled JavaScript resources to simplify debugging of JavaScript in the web-browser and provides a live-development experience.npm run build
to run Webpack with production configuration.
In this mode, Webpack minifies the JavaScript bundles and there are no source-maps created.