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@rix0rrr rix0rrr tagged this 07 Jan 22:42
The Java integ test which is run against the dist is failing because
the local `cdk-cx-api` Maven artifact cannot be found. Error message:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project cdk-init-test: Could not
resolve dependencies for project com.myorg:cdk-init-test:jar:0.1: Failed
to collect dependencies at ->[1.20.0]: No versions available
for[1.20.0] within specified
range -> [Help 1]

It is not clear to me why just this artifact cannot be found while for
example `core` can be found correctly, or why this problem only shows up
on the `release` branch, but after some reading of the Maven source and
local experimentation I have concluded that the proper filename of the
Maven metadata file should be `maven-metadata-local.xml` (instead of
just `maven-metadata.xml`), so we rename the files before rsync'ing them
into the repository now.
Assets 2