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Runtime for Elrond Modules for Arduino IDE based platforms


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Elrond Runtime Application for Arduino

Runtime for Elrond Modules for Arduino IDE based platforms. The runtime application is the engine of projects based on Elrond Modules. The application runtime is responsible for load and initialize the modules instances and control to everything runs fine.


  • Arduino Uno;
  • Arduino Nano *;
  • Arduino Mega;
  • ESP32;

* The Arduino with ATmega168 is not recommended because low memory.

Build and run

Currently the library build process is based in makefile on linux. The requirements are:

  • GNU Make;
  • Git;
  • Arduino IDE

After the repository clone, will need initialize the git submodule:

$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

To install to Arduino IDE (Linux only):

$ make arduino-install

Example sketch

Copy and paste the code in bellow in a new Arduino Sketch and upload to your board.

#include <elrond-ino.hpp>

elrond::Example test;

        INSTANCE(test, CONFIG(100,
            KEY_CFG("allowLoop", true)
            KEY_CFG("timeLoop", 1000)
        DEBUG(Serial, 115200)

To more details, see Sketch configuration structure

In the Serial Monitor with speed defined to 115200 baud, the output will be some like:

Elrond Runtime for Arduino v0.0-alpha
Initializing instance "gpio-ino"...
Initializing instance "test"...
Starting modules...
Application running...
Example::loop (sync)
Example::loop (sync)
Example::loop (sync)

Sketch configuration structure

The sketch structure used to configure an Elrond Application on Arduino IDE must have inicialized by #include macros of modules that will be used. After comes the instances definitions, in variable declaration C++ style, like module_type instance_name;. Bellow of the instances definitions, must have the SETUP(MODULES(...), OPTIONS(...)) macro function call.

The MODULES(...) paramter:

Macro function with list of instances used by application. To define an instance, must be called the macro function INSTANCE(inst, CONFIG(...)), where:

  • inst: Module instance name;
  • CONFIG(...): Module configuration. The module configuration must be made using the macro function CONFIG(buffer_s, KEY_CFG() ... ). The buffer_s parameter is an unsigned integer to defines an internal buffer used to store configuration data temporarily. After the buffer size, must have a no comma (,) separated list of KEY_CFG(key, value). The key parameter is a const char * string that will be associated to the value paramter. The value can be of the type int, double, char, bool or const char *. In case the module does not require a configuration, use the NULL_CFG macro instead of CONFIG() macro function.

Every module have your own set of configuration params, see documentation of every one.

The OPTIONS(...) paramter:

Macro function used to define extra options of the application, like the channel managers. The parameters must be in a no comma (,) separated list, and can be:

  • CH_MGR(transport, tx, rx): Macro function to define a channel manager. The transport parameter must be an instance of a transport module. The tx and rx parameters indicate the total of transmit and receive channels, respectively;
  • DEBUG(serial, baud_rate): Macro function to define a serial interface used to debug output. The serial parameter must be an instance of HardwareSerial. The baud_rate defines the data speed for serial setup.

More complex example

For better understanding, a more complex example of sketch structure:

// Includes
#include <elrond-ino.hpp>

// Module instances
elrond::DigitalLed led;
elrond::runtime::Serial serial;

        INSTANCE(led, CONFIG(100,
            KEY_CFG("pin", 13)
            KEY_CFG("channel", 0)
        INSTANCE(serial, CONFIG(100,
            KEY_CFG("serial", 0)
        CH_MGR(serial, 0, 1)

In this example, the channel manager is defined for a receive channel by the serial module. The led module will listen to channel 0. When this channel is triggered, the digital pin 13 will be triggered and the connected LED will flash (built-in led on Arduino boards).

Elrond modules

The Internal modules from Elrond Common Library are available. More details see Elrond Common Library - Internal Modules.


This is a Serial/UART transport module. The module configuration is:

  • serial (int): Index of Arduino serial object;

Arduino Uno and Nano have the baud rate defined to 9600. Arduino Mega and Esp32 have the baud rate defined to 115200.

Experimental and unstable modules

This modules are unstable and not recommend to use yet.

  • elrond::runtime::modules::UdpWifi: Udp transport module;
  • elrond::runtime::modules::WifiManager: Wifi Manager for Esp32;

Maybe will be modified or removed in the future.


Runtime for Elrond Modules for Arduino IDE based platforms








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