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Installing Pilviväylä Kysy service

Jarkko Moilanen edited this page Apr 26, 2014 · 1 revision

This page contains high level installation instructions of Q2A as part of Pilviväylä service.

We use question2answer platform as the basis for kysy -service. It's an open source clone of legendary Stack Overflow / Stack exchange.

Quick and dirty installation from scratch

You'll need:

  • MySQL database with root access
  • question2answer code, get it from
  • Server with "enough" memory and web server (we use Apache2)
  • Server needs to have php5 installed (version?)

More detailed information about installing Q2A can be found from

With Ansible (+ VirtualBox)

If you have the skills and time to make us a working example of Ansible cookbook for setting up kysy -service. This example could be sent to upstream, some might find it useful.

With Chef (+ VirtualBox)

If you have the skills and time to make us a working example of Chef cookbook for setting up kysy -service. This example could be sent to upstream, some might find it useful.