Control your PowerShift Smart Thermostat using Google Assistant.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your Firebase account for development and testing purposes.
Node.js 8+
Firebase 3.3+
Need to be documented, but for now follow the steps 2 at:
Need to be documented, but for now follow the steps 3 at (pointing to your deployment):
When try to test the draft using the last steps, if gets the following error:
GoogleFulfillment ‘actions.fulfillment.devices’ is not supported
Proceed with this manual workaround:
- Download the gactions cli at
- Authenticate with any command, like:
./gactions list --project [YOUT_PROJECT_ID]
- Download the JSON representation of your action (without this step, the file on the repository points to the original server is up and running, not to your code):
./gactions get --project [YOUR_PROJECT_ID] --version draft > action.json
- Edit the JSON to extract the only object from its array, and remove the nested “googleFulfillments” object.
- Push your fixed action into test:
./gactions test --project [YOUR_PROJECT_ID] --action_package ./action.json
This replaces the step 3 "Click Simulator under TEST" in the google assistant manual setup. Also seems to work longer than 3 days without re-deploying.
- Firebase - Used for hosting the pages and function
Please contact me if you have ideas/fixes/suggestions.
We use Git for versioning.
- Edinardo Potrich - Initial work - LinkedIn
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 or later - see the LICENSE file for details
- Thanks to the Demo Day! team where the project was showed for the first time.