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Edge Impulse Example: stand-alone inferencing for CMSIS toolbox

Example standalone inferencing for AVH created for CMSIS toolbox v2.4.0

Update the model to test

Once you have deployed your model as a Open CMSIS pack, unzip the downloaded file, you will find 2 pack files and a model.clayer.yml

To add your model to your component library you need to use the cpackget utility:

cpackget add <your_model>.pack

You probably need to install the Edge Impulse sdk too:

cpackget add EdgeImpulse.EI-SDK.x.yy.zzpack

Then you need to copy the model.clayer.yml into the model folder.

To test a sample, from you project copy the raw feature you want to test from the processing block and paste it in feature.h

const float features[] = { 
        // copy raw features here (for example from the 'Live classification' page)


Build the firmware

Using command line

The most basic compilation command is:

cbuild inferencing.csolution.yml

This command will build for every target and every configuration available, so probably isn't what you are looking for.

To specify a configuration and target (ie speed for CM55):

cbuild inferencing.csolution.yml --context inferencing.speed+CM55

Other useful arguments are:


Update the RTE directory, which contains target specific header.


Automatically download any missing software packs with cpackget.


Remove intermediate and output directories

Usually, the most common way to compiler for a specific target and toolchain is:

cbuild inferencing.csolution.yml --update-rte --packs --context inferencing.speed+CM55 --toolchain GCC

Check the CMSIS-Toolbox User Guide for a complete overview of the cbuild command.

Using CMSIS toolbox extension

In the CMSIS view, click on the hammer icon.

Using docker

This repository contains a docker image with the required dependencies for building with gcc and llvm:

docker build -t standalone-csolution .

Copy the content of the deployment for your project in the pack folder.

Build the firmware with the following command:

docker run --rm -it -v "${PWD}":/app standalone-csolution /bin/bash -c "./ --target <TARGET> --config <BUILD_CONFIG> --toolchain <TOOLCHAIN>"

Using the build script

You can use the script to compile, target and toolchain can be specified as follow:

./ --target <TARGET> --config <BUILD_CONFIG> --toolchain <TOOLCHAIN>

The script will also install any package present in the pack folder.


After building, the bin will be run locally on AVH.

Run on AVH

The basic usage is:

<AVH FVP for the target> -f <fvp config file> <elf file to be loaded>

Some examples:

  • Run Test on model for Cortex-M3 (speed) compiled with GCC
FVP_MPS2_Cortex-M3 -f ./Target/CM3/model_config.txt ./build/CM3/GCC/speed/outdir/CM3_inferencing.elf
  • Run Test on model for Cortex-M55 with Ethos (none) compiled with Arm Compiler
FVP_Corstone_SSE-300_Ethos-U55 -f ./Target/CM55/model_config.txt ./build/CM55/AC6/speed/outdir/CM55_inferencing.elf

Using the build script

You can also use --run when invoncing if you want to run an already built target.

For example: --run --target CM7 --toolchain AC6

Available target

CM0 CM0plus CM3 CM4 CM4-FP CM7 CM33 CM55 CM55-U128 CM55-U55-128 CM55-U55-128 CM85


Tested using GCC 10.3.1, GCC 12.3.1, GCC 13.2.1, GCC 13.3.1, Arm Compiler v6.19 and 6.22 and Arm LLVM v17.1. Doesn't work with GCC 12.2.1 for MCU with Helium (Cortex-M55, Cortex-M85).


Example Standalone for Arm Virtual Hardware using CMSIS toolbox




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