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Start streamlit app open in browser on localhost:8501
poetry shell
poetry install
poetry run streamlit src/
docker build -t yourtag .
docker run -d yourtag
Due to rising inflation in my hometown of Puerto Rico I am going to analyze the inflation of the US. I will also take into account the SP500 index and how it corralates with the inflation and rising rent in the US.
I will be using the data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
- Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Urban Citizens: Less Food & Energy US City Average
- Rent of Primary Residence in US City Average
- Oil Price
- US Food
- Global Food
- Average Salary
- Hourly Salary
- SP500
- Does the CPI and rising rent influence the SP500?
- How does the Food and Energy prices in the US compare to the rest of the world?
- Can inflated home prices cause a decline in the SP500?
- Are wages for the average american enough to rent in this market?
- The inflation rate in the US is higher than the inflation rate in the US in the year 2020.
- The US is the #1 country int the world for that reason food and energy is more expensive.
- As in 2008 I believe inflated house prices can cause a bear market.
- Just by lookign in my neighborhood you need roomates if ou have an average salary in the US.