A simple form built with React and TypeScript to collect user data (Name, Email, and CEP) and store it in a local JSON database. This project includes client-side validation, loading states, and integration with an external API to validate CEPs.
- React
- TypeScript
- JSON Server (for local API)
- Axios
- React-Scripts
git clone https://github.com/ecpieritz/react-typescript-form.git
cd react-typescript-form
npm install
In one terminal, start the JSON Server:
npm run server
This will run the local API at http://localhost:5000, where all submitted data will be stored.
In another terminal, run:
npm start
This will start the React development server. You can view the app at http://localhost:3000.
To see the data submitted through the form, open your browser and go to:
This will display all form submissions in JSON format.
Developed with 💙 by Emilyn C. Pieritz