This package contains the texts for the ECG Matrix and tests to validate their proper structure.
The texts are saved as JSON files in the lib
In development mode, run grunt dev
- add English translation.
- add Spanish translation.
Feel free to contribute to the Roadmap or otherwise.
Please email the main developer to learn how to translate the files.
Share issues and desired features in GitHub.
- All texts are released under the Creative Commons Share Alike license with attribution "Economy for the Common Good".
- All other files are under the MIT License.
- Nikolay Georgiev, main developer, ECG Berlin.
- 0.1.1 - add JS version of the JSON bundle.
- 0.1.0 - moved the individual indicators into the
folder (breaking change) and created ecg-indicators json bundle. - 0.0.1 - first version with german texts and initial tests.