Describe the bug
When sending SHM buffers across machines, we check the SHM buffer availability on the receiver side with this function. However, this reports an error that is NOT shown in zenoh rust example. Since we had already properly returned the result in the zenoh-c function, do we need to duplicate this error in the log?
To reproduce
- Build the examples z_pub_shm and z_sub_shm.
- Run the two examples on different hosts.
- The error log is shown below.
2024-11-12T06:35:36.001040Z INFO ThreadId(02) zenoh::net::runtime::orchestrator: Zenoh can be reached at: tcp/
2024-11-12T06:35:36.001490Z INFO ThreadId(02) zenoh::net::runtime::orchestrator: zenohd listening scout messages on
Declaring Subscriber on 'demo/example/**'...
Enter 'q' to quit...
2024-11-12T06:35:36.176089Z ERROR rx-1 ThreadId(07) zenohcd::zbytes: Failed to convert the payload
>> [Subscriber] Received PUT ('demo/example/zenoh-rs-pub': '[ 91] Pub from Rust SHM!') [RAW]
2024-11-12T06:35:37.175526Z ERROR rx-1 ThreadId(07) zenohcd::zbytes: Failed to convert the payload
>> [Subscriber] Received PUT ('demo/example/zenoh-rs-pub': '[ 92] Pub from Rust SHM!') [RAW]
System info
- zenoh-c: 153ad8d