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Meeting Minutes 07.19.2016

Stévan Le Meur edited this page Jul 19, 2016 · 1 revision

Here are the notes of product meeting July 19th, 2016. ​ ######TOPICS DISCUSSED: ​

  1. 4.5 status
  2. Review processes updated and documentation
  3. Superdevmode
  4. QA

We had an issue with a transitive dependency inside of the dashboard application. That issue was needing a CQ approval for a new version of JQuery. We finally found a solution with an already approved version of JQuery which unlock the release process and allow us to proceed it Tuesday morning.

QA is now performing their tests and results are expected for wednesday morning.

Ship date is planed for July, Thursday 21th. Release documentation and blog posts are ready.

2. Review processes updated and documentation

We discussed the new process rules and documentation that are now all public on github. All TLs and PMs have agreed on the following processes:

3. Superdevmode

It does look as a bug. It seems that few modules are missing in the Yatta Profile.

4. QA

We will use animated GIF for the videos when we are recording videos.

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