Modified HGTector in Python
The original method can be found here: Qiyun Zhu, Michael Kosoy, and Katharina Dittmar HGTector: an automated method facilitating genome-wide discovery of putative horizontal gene transfers BMC Genomics 2014, 15: 717 doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-717
If you have any questions, please contact:
The following Python packages are required:
- Biopython
- Pandas
- RPY2
- numpy
R and BLAST+ are also required.
The following files/data are required:
- TAXDMP taxonomic information from NCBI
- NR BLAST database from NCBI
- MultispeciesAutonomousProtein2taxname file from RefSeq
These files can be specified in the Python script as constants.
To use script, place genome fasta file(s) in ./input/ directory, then run script. You can change parameters by creating a config.txt file in current direcory.
Parameters to adjust:
- interactive: 1 (0 to turn off interactive mode)
- nThreads: 1 (multithread BLAST)
- nHits: 500 (specify number of BLAST hits to keep)
- evalue: 1e-5 (specify evalue cutoff)
- selfGroup: None (specify TaxIDs of self-group, comma delimited)
- closeGroup: None (specify TaxIDs of close group, comma delimited)
- selfGroup: None (specify TaxIDs of self-group)
- closeGroup: None (specify TaxIDs of close group)
- modKCO: 1 (0 to turn off conservative cutoffs)
- selfLow: 0 (1 to use self-group cutoffs)