Rhc is a little binary really usefull when you work with openshift. You can find more information here
The first step to use this image is create a data container. Rhc need to store some informations like your broker url or access to you ssh keys.
docker create -v /root/.openshift -v /root/.ssh --name rhc-data ecarre/rhc /bin/true # Just for the first run. To create the container who store configuration.
The second step... use it:
docker run --rm -it --volumes-from rhc-data ecarre/rhc help
It is useful to create an alias like this
alias rhc='docker run --rm -it --volumes-from rhc-data ecarre/rhc'
Or on Windows
doskey rhc=docker run --rm -it --volumes-from rhc-data ecarre/rhc $*
You will be able to use rhc container like this
$ rhc help
$ rhc servers
Make a backup
docker run --rm -t -v "$(pwd)":/backup --volumes-from rhc-data --entrypoint=/usr/bin/zip --workdir="/backup" ecarre/rhc -r rhc-data-backup-$(date +%Y%m%d).zip /root/.openshift/ /root/.ssh
Make a restore
docker run --rm -t -v "$(pwd)":/backup --volumes-from rhc-data --entrypoint=/usr/bin/unzip --workdir="/" ecarre/rhc -o /backup/backup_name.zip