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e3b0c442 committed Dec 13, 2018
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# Keywords

A list and count of keywords in programming languages.

![Languages by keyword](chart.png)

## Why does it matter?

The number of keywords in a programming language _can_ be an indication to it's simplicity/complexity, and that can impact the simplicity/complexity of the solutions that developers produce using it. Complex solutions can be more expensive to maintain and difficult to hire for. However, this is dependent on many factors and keyword count is only one; language idioms also play a massive part.

## Contribute

Don't see a language here? Please open a pull request adding it!

## Keyword List

* [C (ANSI) (32 keywords)](#c-ansi-32-keywords)
* [C (C18) (44 keywords)](#c-c18-44-keywords)
* [C# (5.0) (77 keywords)](#c-50-77-keywords)
* [C++ (C++17) (73 keywords)](#c-c-17-73-keywords)
* [Dart (1) (33 keywords)](#dart-1-33-keywords)
* [Elixir (1.7) (15 keywords)](#elixir-17-15-keywords)
* [Erlang (21.2) (27 keywords)](#erlang-212-27-keywords)
* [Go (1.11) (25 keywords)](#go-111-25-keywords)
* [JS (ES2018) (34 keywords)](#js-es2018-34-keywords)
* [Java (SE 11) (51 keywords)](#java-se-11-51-keywords)
* [Kotlin (1.3) (30 keywords)](#kotlin-13-30-keywords)
* [PHP (7.0) (67 keywords)](#php-70-67-keywords)
* [Python (2.7) (31 keywords)](#python-27-31-keywords)
* [Python (3.7) (35 keywords)](#python-37-35-keywords)
* [R (3.5) (20 keywords)](#r-35-20-keywords)
* [Ruby (2.5) (41 keywords)](#ruby-25-41-keywords)
* [Rust (1.31) (53 keywords)](#rust-131-53-keywords)
* [Scala (2.12) (40 keywords)](#scala-212-40-keywords)
* [Swift (4.2) (70 keywords)](#swift-42-70-keywords)

### C (ANSI) (32 keywords)
| | | | |
| auto | break | case | char |
| const | continue | default | do |
| double | else | enum | extern |
| float | for | goto | if |
| int | long | register | return |
| short | signed | sizeof | static |
| struct | switch | typedef | union |
| unsigned | void | volatile | while |

#### Sources:

### C (C18) (44 keywords)
| | | | |
| auto | break | case | char |
| const | continue | default | do |
| double | else | enum | extern |
| float | for | goto | if |
| inline | int | long | register |
| restrict | return | short | signed |
| sizeof | static | struct | switch |
| typedef | union | unsigned | void |
| volatile | while | _Alignas | _Alignof |
| _Atomic | _Bool | _Complex | _Generic |
| _Imaginary | _Noreturn | _Static_assert | _Thread_local |

#### Sources:

### C# (5.0) (77 keywords)
| | | | |
| abstract | as | base | bool |
| break | byte | case | catch |
| char | checked | class | const |
| continue | decimal | default | delegate |
| do | double | else | enum |
| event | explicit | extern | false |
| finally | fixed | float | for |
| foreach | goto | if | implicit |
| in | int | interface | internal |
| is | lock | long | namespace |
| new | null | object | operator |
| out | override | params | private |
| protected | public | readonly | ref |
| return | sbyte | sealed | short |
| sizeof | stackalloc | static | string |
| struct | switch | this | throw |
| true | try | typeof | uint |
| ulong | unchecked | unsafe | ushort |
| using | virtual | void | volatile |
| while |

#### Sources:

### C++ (C++17) (73 keywords)
| | | | |
| alignas | alignof | asm | auto |
| bool | break | case | catch |
| char | char16_t | char32_t | class |
| const | constexpr | const_cast | continue |
| decltype | default | delete | do |
| double | dynamic_cast | else | enum |
| explicit | export | extern | false |
| float | for | friend | goto |
| if | inline | int | long |
| mutable | namespace | new | noexcept |
| nullptr | operator | private | protected |
| public | register | reinterpret_cast | return |
| short | signed | sizeof | static |
| static_assert | static_cast | struct | switch |
| template | this | thread_local | throw |
| true | try | typedef | typeid |
| typename | union | unsigned | using |
| virtual | void | volatile | wchar_t |
| while |

#### Sources:

### Dart (1) (33 keywords)
| | | | |
| assert | break | case | catch |
| class | const | continue | default |
| do | else | enum | extends |
| false | final | finally | for |
| if | in | is | new |
| null | rethrow | return | super |
| switch | this | throw | true |
| try | var | void | while |
| with |

#### Sources:

### Elixir (1.7) (15 keywords)
| | | | |
| true | false | nil | when |
| and | or | not | in |
| fn | do | end | catch |
| rescue | after | else |

#### Sources:

### Erlang (21.2) (27 keywords)
| | | | |
| after | and | andalso | band |
| begin | bnot | bor | bsl |
| bsr | bxor | case | catch |
| cond | div | end | fun |
| if | let | not | of |
| or | orelse | receive | rem |
| try | when | xor |

#### Sources:

### Go (1.11) (25 keywords)
| | | | |
| break | case | chan | const |
| continue | default | defer | else |
| fallthrough | for | func | go |
| goto | if | import | interface |
| map | package | range | return |
| select | struct | switch | type |
| var |

#### Sources:

### JS (ES2018) (34 keywords)
| | | | |
| await | break | case | catch |
| class | const | continue | debugger |
| default | delete | do | else |
| export | extends | finally | for |
| function | if | import | in |
| instanceof | new | return | super |
| switch | this | throw | try |
| typeof | var | void | while |
| with | yield |

#### Sources:

### Java (SE 11) (51 keywords)
| | | | |
| abstract | assert | boolean | break |
| byte | case | catch | char |
| class | const | continue | default |
| do | double | else | enum |
| extends | final | finally | float |
| for | if | goto | implements |
| import | instanceof | int | interface |
| long | native | new | package |
| private | protected | public | return |
| short | static | strictfp | super |
| switch | synchronized | this | throw |
| throws | transient | try | void |
| volatile | while | _ |

#### Sources:

### Kotlin (1.3) (30 keywords)
| | | | |
| as | as? | break | class |
| continue | do | else | false |
| for | fun | if | in |
| | interface | is | |
| null | object | package | return |
| super | this | throw | true |
| try | typealias | val | var |
| when | while |

#### Sources:

### PHP (7.0) (67 keywords)
| | | | |
| __halt_compiler() | abstract | and | array() |
| as | break | callable | case |
| catch | class | clone | const |
| continue | declare | default | die() |
| do | echo | else | elseif |
| empty() | enddeclare | endfor | endforeach |
| endif | endswitch | endwhile | eval() |
| exit() | extends | final | finally |
| for | foreach | function | global |
| goto | if | implements | include |
| include_once | instanceof | insteadof | interface |
| isset() | list() | namespace | new |
| or | print | private | protected |
| public | require | require_once | return |
| static | switch | throw | trait |
| try | unset() | use | var |
| while | xor | yield |

#### Sources:

### Python (2.7) (31 keywords)
| | | | |
| and | as | assert | break |
| class | continue | def | del |
| elif | else | except | exec |
| finally | for | from | global |
| if | import | in | is |
| lambda | not | or | pass |
| print | raise | return | try |
| while | with | yield |

#### Sources:

### Python (3.7) (35 keywords)
| | | | |
| False | None | True | and |
| as | assert | async | await |
| break | class | continue | def |
| del | elif | else | except |
| finally | for | from | global |
| if | import | in | is |
| lambda | nonlocal | not | or |
| pass | raise | return | try |
| while | with | yield |

#### Sources:

### R (3.5) (20 keywords)
| | | | |
| ... | FALSE | Inf | NA |
| NA_character_ | NA_complex_ | NA_integer_ | NA_real_ |
| NaN | NULL | TRUE | break |
| else | for | function | if |
| in | next | repeat | while |

#### Sources:

### Ruby (2.5) (41 keywords)
| | | | |
| END | alias | and | begin |
| break | case | class | def |
| defined? | do | else | elsif |
| end | ensure | false | for |
| if | in | module | next |
| nil | not | or | redo |
| rescue | retry | return | self |
| super | then | true | undef |
| unless | until | when | while |
| yield |

#### Sources:

### Rust (1.31) (53 keywords)
| | | | |
| _ | abstract | alignof | as |
| become | box | break | const |
| continue | crate | do | else |
| enum | extern | false | final |
| fn | for | if | impl |
| in | let | loop | macro |
| match | mod | move | mut |
| offsetof | override | priv | proc |
| pub | pure | ref | return |
| Self | self | sizeof | static |
| struct | super | trait | true |
| type | typeof | unsafe | unsized |
| use | virtual | where | while |
| yield |

#### Sources:

### Scala (2.12) (40 keywords)
| | | | |
| abstract | case | catch | class |
| def | do | else | extends |
| false | final | finally | for |
| forSome | if | implicit | import |
| lazy | macro | match | new |
| null | object | override | package |
| private | protected | return | sealed |
| super | this | throw | trait |
| try | true | type | val |
| var | while | with | yield |

#### Sources:

### Swift (4.2) (70 keywords)
| | | | |
| associatedtype | class | deinit | enum |
| extension | fileprivate | func | import |
| init | inout | internal | let |
| open | operator | private | protocol |
| public | static | struct | subscript |
| typealias | var | break | case |
| continue | default | defer | do |
| else | fallthrough | for | guard |
| if | in | repeat | return |
| switch | where | while | as |
| Any | catch | false | is |
| nil | rethrows | super | self |
| Self | throw | throws | true |
| try | _ | #available | #colorLiteral |
| #column | #else | #elseif | #endif |
| #error | #file | #fileLiteral | #function |
| #if | #imageLiteral | #line | #selector |
| #sourceLocation | #warning |

#### Sources:



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