Pandomium is the JCEF (Java Chromium Embedded Framework) implementation dedicated for the maven projects
Pandomium pandomium = new Pandomium(PandomiumSettings.getDefaultSettings());
PandomiumClient client = pandomium.createClient();
PandomiumBrowser browser = client.loadURL("");
Full example:
- Java 8 or higher required
- Maven instructions for the latest release
- Almost always running the latest version of JCEF, thanks to an advanced CI system
- Supported platforms are the same as for JCEF (may differ for each release)
- Provides methods and classes to easily access core JCEF components
- Build natives & jcef
- Basic implementation
- Builds available in the maven repository
- Pandomium wrapper for JCEF objects
- Win32, Linux32 & macOS support
- Advanced Java <-> JS bridge
- ByteBuffer implementation