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A technical assessment provided by the Dynata architecture team

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For this technical assessment you will be asked to write an implementation of a custom protocol for signing HTTP requests.

You may write your implementation using any programming language that you are comfortable with as well as any external libraries that are available to you. The only requirements for the design of your interface are as follows:

The interface must accept 3 inputs:

  • AccessKey as a string value.
  • SecretKey as a string value.
  • an HTTP request frame as a string (or byte array/stream) value.

The interface must output 1 string value that is the calculated Signature for the given inputs.

Do not spend too much time on this assessment. If you find yourself working more than a couple of hours, it is absolutely acceptable to come to your interview without a working solution. The primary goal is to display how you approach the solution to a problem, as well as your coding style.

Your solution implementation will be evaluated based on the following attributes:

  • Efficiency: looking at time and space complexity of implementation.
  • Completeness: looking for proper handling of exceptional or edge cases.
  • Correctness: looking for expected output for a given input. (can be shown via unit tests)
  • Readability: looking for concise, self-describing code. (relevant comments are welcome)
  • Simplicity: looking for a simple interface that communicates all necessary information to the client. (encapsulation of complexity)
  • Ergonomics: looking for an interface that makes sense and is easy to use.

Your implementation should attempt to handle as many input cases as possible, which may include invalid inputs. When possible, attempt to handle invalid inputs in a reasonable way, otherwise return an error through your interface. For instance, if a given HTTP request frame URI has a query string containing a reserved character that is not percent encoded, you may ignore it on input and encode it properly yourself, when applicable according to the signing protocol, and move on.

Once you have finished your assessment, please have it ready in a way that can be shared with your interviewer(s). Preferably, upload your solution to your personal GitHub (or similar) account as a repository. We will go over your code together during your technical interview.

If you have any questions about the assessment, please do not hesitate to email the recruiter that has been working with you up to this point. They will ensure that an answer gets back to you from the technical team.

HTTP Request Signing Protocol

Following is a protocol definition for signing HTTP request frames. This protocol is capable of signing any HTTP/1.1 request frame that is not using a transfer encoding of "chunked".

The following table describes the functions that are used in the definition of the signing protocol. You will need to implement code for these functions or use equivalent functions from one or more libraries.

Function Description
Lowercase(value) Converts the string to lowercase.
Hex(value) Base 16 encodes the given value.
SHA256(value) Calculates the hash digest of the given value using the 256 bit version of the Secure Hashing Algorithm (SHA)
HMAC-SHA256(key, value) Computes an HMAC of the given value by using the SHA256 algorithm with the signing key provided.
Trim(value) Removes any leading or trailing whitespace from the given value.
UriEncode(value) URI encodes every byte of the given value.

URI encoding

URI encoding must enforce the following rules:

  • URI encode every byte except the unreserved characters: 'A'-'Z', 'a'-'z', '0'-'9', '-', '.', '_', and '~'.
  • The space character is a reserved character and must be encoded as "%20" (and not as "+").
  • Each URI encoded byte is formed by a '%' and the two-digit hexadecimal value of the byte.
  • Letters in the hexadecimal value must be uppercase, for example "%1A".

⚠️ The standard UriEncode functions provided by your development platform may not work because of differences in implementation and related ambiguity in the underlying RFCs. We recommend that you write your own custom UriEncode function to ensure that your encoding will work. Most implementations that follow RFC 3986 will suffice.

Step 1: Create a Canonical Request

The following is the canonical request format used to calculate a signature:



HTTPMethod is a valid HTTP method as defined by RFC 7231 section 4.3

CanonicalURI is the URI-encoded version of the absolute path component of the URI; everything starting with the forward-slash '/' that follows the domain name and up to the end of the string or to the question mark character '?'. Do not normalize the URI path. For instance, do not change "hello//world" to "hello/world".

CanonicalQueryString specifies the URI-encoded query string parameters.

  • Repeated parameter names must be combined into a single parameter before encoding. Concatenate their values into a single string value, separated by commas. Values must be concatenated in the order in which the parameters appear within the query string.
  • URI-encode names and values individually.
  • After encoding, sort the parameters in the canonical query string by parameter name, in ascending order of character code point. For example, a parameter name that begins with the uppercase letter F precedes a parameter name that begins with a lowercase letter b.

An example request encoded query string:


After decoding, would be processed as:

UriEncode("marker")+"="+UriEncode("some marker")+"&"+

Resulting in a canonical query string of:


If the URI does not include any query string parameters, then you will set the canonical query string to an empty string ("").

CanonicalHeaders is a list of request headers with their values.

  • Individual header field name and value pairs are separated by the newline character ("\n").
  • Header field names must use lowercase characters and must be followed by a colon (":").
  • For the header field values, trim any leading or trailing spaces.
  • Sort the header field names in ascending order of character code point.
  • Repeated header field names must be combined into a single header field. Concatenate their values into a single string value, separated by commas. Values must be concatenated in the order in which the fields appear within the header.

The following example shows the format:


The Lowercase() and Trim() functions used in this example are described in the preceding table of functions.

HashedPayload is the hexadecimal value of the SHA256 hash digest of the request payload.


If there is no payload in the request, you compute a hash digest of the empty string as follows:


The hash digest of the empty string will return the following value:


Step 2: Create a String to Sign

The string to sign is a SHA256 hash digest of the canonical request. It is calculated as follows:

StringToSign = Lowercase(Hex(SHA256(<CanonicalRequest>)))

Step 3: Calculate the Signature

Instead of using the SecretKey to sign the request directly, we will first create a derived key made up of the SecretKey the current date in the format YYYYMMDD and the AccessKey. To produce the SigningKey, follow the below algorithm:

DateKey    = Lowercase(Hex(HMAC-SHA256(<SecretKey>, <YYYYMMDD>)))
SigningKey = Lowercase(Hex(HMAC-SHA256(<DateKey>, <AccessKey>)))

The signature can then be calculated using the StringToSign and the SigningKey:

Signature = Lowercase(Hex(HMAC-SHA256(<SigningKey>, <StringToSign>)))

This Signature will be the output of your interface.


Below are a series of examples that you can use to test your implementation. The examples provided are limited and are not a full representation of all input cases.

All examples will use the following AccessKey and SecretKey:


To keep things deterministic, the following date value will be used:

YYYYMMDD = 20230801

Signing Key

Since you will be using the same constant values to produce the signing key, the calculated hash is provided here to aide in troubleshooting your own work:


Example 1:

HTTP Frame

GET /resource?test=true&mix=1%C2%B11 HTTP/1.1\r\n
Timestamp: 2023-08-03T10:24:03.012Z\r\n

Canonical Request


String To Sign




Example 2:

HTTP Frame

POST /resource//posts?test=2&example=all+please&1234=4321&test=1 HTTP/1.1\r\n
Choice: C\r\n
Choice: A\r\n
Choice: B\r\n
Content-Length: 25\r\n

Canonical Request


String To Sign




Example 3:

HTTP Frame

POST /resource/123/comments?test=%2TRUE%&evaluation=1±2 HTTP/1.1\r\n
Content-Length: 65\r\n
Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
this is a sentence.\r\nthis sentence is on a new line.\r\nso is this.

Canonical Request


String To Sign





A technical assessment provided by the Dynata architecture team



