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CollectHsMetrics (DNAnexus Platform App)

This is the source code for an app that runs on the DNAnexus Platform. For more information about how to run or modify it, see

Table of Contents


This applet calculates coverage stats for a single CRAM file based on a set of input intervals using picard tools.

This README makes use of DNANexus file and project naming conventions. Where applicable, an object available on the DNANexus platform has a hash ID like:

  • file – file-1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMN
  • project – project-1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMN

Information about files and projects can be queried using the dx describe tool native to the DNANexus SDK:

dx describe file-1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMN

Note: This README pertains to data included as part of the DNANexus project "MRC - Y Chromosome Loss" (project-G50vFK0JJjbf1VJb4gk2vVXX)



The only dependency of this applet is picard tools. Version 2.25.5 of the source code was downloaded from the picard tools website and compiled as per the picard README. This jar was then placed into the directory:


in accordance with the dependency instructions from DNANexus. All resources stored in this folder are then included with the built app at /usr/bin/picard.jar on the launched AWS instance.

Resource Files

This applet uses a set of interval files in the picard interval list format provided to Eugene Gardner by Yajie Zhao. These files are uploaded with a "property" named "interval_type" that describes the type of interval list and is used to name the header in the primary output file generated by this applet:

List type File interval_type property DNANexus file hash
Autosomes UKBB_200K_WES_Autosomes.interval_list autosome file-G33gzBjJXk859gB3FFxFXv6k
chrX without PAR regions UKBB_200K_WES_chrX_without_PAR.interval_list XnoPAR file-G365Z30JXk8305fy2fPBKgvx
chrY UKBB_200K_WES_XDR.interval_list xdr file-G365Yv8JXk82523zFY17gJpv

These files were uploaded to the DNANexus platform using a command like (example is for the autosome list):

dx upload --path /project_resources/interval_files/ --property interval_type="autosome" UKBB_200K_WES_Autosomes.interval_list

All interval files are stored in project-specific folder /project_resources/interval_files.


This applet is mostly a wrapper around the picardtools CollectHsMetrics command. Please see the documentation for CollectHsMetrics for more information on how it works.

This tool injests multiple cram files, finds the associated index for those crams and then runs a picardtools command like:

java -Xmx4000M -Xms4000M -jar /usr/bin/picard.jar CollectHsMetrics \
              -I sample.cram \
              -BAIT_INTERVALS intervals.interval_list \
              -TARGET_INTERVALS intervals.interval_list \
              -O output_file \
              -R reference.fasta \
              -VERBOSITY ERROR

output_file is the default picard CollectHsMetrics output. This file is then read into Python and the column "MEAN_TARGET_COVERAGE" is extracted and stored.

Running on DNANexus


This applet requires 2 primary inputs (cram and intervals). threads and output_file are optional. Files can be provided as either a path OR dx file descriptor (e.g. file-123456abcde):

Input Option dx type description
cram_list file list of .cram files to process, one .cram per-line
intervals array:file .json array of user-provided .interval_list files. See how this looks below
threads int number of threads that can be used by this job [32]
output_file string name of the txt.gz output file [coverage.txt.gz]

cram_list is a file list that MUST contain DNANexus file hash keys (e.g. like file-1234567890ABCDEFGHIJ). A simple way to generate such a list is with the following bash/perl one-liner:

dx ls -l "Bulk/Exome sequences/Exome OQFE CRAM files/10/*.cram" | perl -ane 'chomp $_; if ($F[6] =~ /^\((\S+)\)$/) {print "$1\n";}' > cram_list.txt

This command will:

  1. Find all cram files in the directory 10/ and print in dna nexus "long" format which includes a column for file hash (column 7)
  2. Extract the file hash using a perl one-liner and print one file hash per line

The final input file will look something like:


This file then needs to be uploaded to the DNANexus platform, so it can be provided as input:

dx upload cram_list.txt


The applet provides as output a single .gz file named using the output_file input parameter (by default coverage.txt.gz). The first column of the output file is the sample EID, followed by a column for each of the masks provided to intervals named according to the interval_type property as described above. One row is returned for each cram file run through this tool:

sample  autosome    XnoPAR  xdr
1234567 57.23124    54.19918    0
8901234 45.91785    27.02918    29.91712

Command line example

If this is your first time running this applet within a project other than "MRC_EPID_450K_read_depth" (project-G6F3238JvzZpKfB7FbbYpX92), please see our organisational documentation on how to download and build this app on the DNANexus Research Access Platform:

You can run the following to run this applet:

dx run mrcepid-collecthsmetrics /
        --priority low
        -icram_list=file-FybvvKjJ8yf65Yx53k17BzJB /
        --destination project_output/

Some notes here regarding execution:

  1. You will likely want to include the --priority low to make sure you don't request a ton of on-demand instances, which are more expensive.

  2. The list provided to -iintervals is a json-like string that provides the file hashes for the individual interval_files.

  3. I have set a sensible (and tested) default for compute resources on DNANexus that is baked into the json used for building the app (at dxapp.json) so setting an instance type is unnecessary. This current default is for a mem2_ssd1_v2_x32 instance (32 CPUs, 128 Gb RAM, 1.2Tb storage). If necessary to adjust compute resources, one can provide a flag like --instance-type mem2_ssd1_v2_x8.

  4. output-file is not required by default, but is recommended.

Batch running

This applet supports running multiple cram files at once via multithreading by default. However, there are some considerations:

  1. Using the default instance, 31 cram files can be run at once. Thus, if trying to run thousands of cram files, you will want to spread the workload over multiple instances.

  2. If changing the default instance YOU MUST use at least mem2 instances as picard needs more memory per file (~4Gb) then a mem1 instance can provide. YOU MUST also change the threads parameter accordingly to ensure that each thread has enough CPUs to execute.


Count mean coverage in cram files






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