A simple RHEV python SDK script to update a set of RHEL/Centos hosts running RHEV/oVirt.
usage: rhev_hosts_update.py [-h] -u USER -p PASSWORD -l URL [-s HOST]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u USER, --user USER RHEV administrator User@Domain
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
User@Domain password
-l URL, --url URL RHEV URL: https://rhevm.domain.com
-s HOST, --host HOST Host name to update
-c CLUSTER, --cluster CLUSTER
Cluster of hosts to update
Datacenter to update
When given a Datacenter|Cluster name, the script will iterate over all the hosts in a DC, and update them. If provided only one host name, only the one host will be updated. Hosts are put in maintenance mode priot to update, thus migrating the SPM and all VMs away, making this a non-disruptive procedure