A demo app for showcasing creation of a custom Cumulocity UI widget plugin.
Currently there is this snore-inducing JSDoc for the API to allow adding components (widgets), but it is inadequately practical to show "how-to" in details. So, let's slay the Jabberwocky! 🔪 🐲
Install yarn.
Install cumulocity-tools.
Clone the repo,
to your project directory. -
Adapt the UI build version you want to develop against:
$ c8y install [ui_build_version]
- Install dependencies:
$ yarn install:clean
Check out the introduction to plugin development docs.
Oh well, I know that you guys are a bunch of lazy people. How to get this app deployed and see it running on my tenant, you ask? Be my guest:
$ yarn deploy
After a few more steps in interactive command line user interfaces, you should then be able to access the app on https://<your-tenant-url>/apps/hellowidgetapp
$ yarn test
$ yarn lint <target_file_or_dir>
$ yarn lint plugins
Or better yet, make your IDE automatically integrate the linting process based on the .rc file (.eslintrc
The rules quite strictly follow the Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide (ES6+ without React).
Glenn Dwiyatcita (@dwiyatci)
See LICENSE.txt.