Tags: dwisiswant0/secpat2gf
feat: add support for custom engine This commit updates the secpat2gf script to provide more flexibility for users who may want to use a different engine for processing search patterns. The script now supports custom engines, in addition to the default grep engine. See: https://github.com/tomnomnom/gf#using-custom-engines The secpat2gf arguments have been updated to include an option for specifying a custom engine. The default engine is set to grep, but this can now be overridden with the `-e` or `--engine` flag. Additionally, a new field for the engine has been added to the JSON data generated by the script. This allows users to easily see which engine was used for processing their search patterns. The engine field is set to grep by default, but will be updated to reflect the custom engine specified by the user if one is provided. Overall, this change helps to improve the flexibility and customization of the secpat2gf script, and provides users with more control over their search pattern processing.
feat: add --only-matching opt to gf flags The previous grep flags were set to "-aHnPr". However, to improve the results obtained from the grep function, the "--only-matching" option has been added to the flags, resulting in a new set of flags: "-aHnoPr". This change will result in a more accurate and relevant output from the grep function. With this addition, we can now extract only the matching portion of the line instead of the entire line, making it easier to analyze and interpret the results.