This is a Swift UIViewController extension class that works as a wrapper for UIAlertView and UIAlertController, it includes block handlers and supports all iOS versions so that you won't have to worry about any deprecated methods being used. This class will use UIAlertView if the device is iOS 7 or below, and uses the new UIAlertController if the device iOS 8 or greater. Provides a simple interface for easily creating alerts with blocks from any UIViewController.
Add QuickAlert.h/.m and UIViewController+QuickAlert.swift files to your project. You will need to import "QuickAlert.h" into your project's Bridging-Header (if your project doesn't have one you'll need to create one).
After you add UIViewController+QuickAlert.swift to your project (or any swift file to an Objective-C project) Xcode will create a hidden "-Swift.h" header that exposes swift files to Objective-C. Make sure to import this somewhere in your project to be able to use QuickAlert on any of your UIViewControllers.
On any UIViewController simply call:
[self showMessage:@"And boom goes the dynamite"
Using block handlers look like this:
[self showMessage:@"This action cannot be undone, are you sure you wish to delete everything?"
NSLog(@"User tapped cancel");
NSLog(@"Delete everything the user holds dear");