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danrega committed Jan 11, 2024
1 parent e4d3095 commit f80e507
Showing 5 changed files with 278 additions and 109 deletions.
331 changes: 226 additions & 105 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -103,131 +103,251 @@ initialization can be avoided.
additions `BASE` and `FOR` are possible, too.
See more information
- As mentioned above, the concept of [inline declarations](
is very handy in this context. You can construct a new data object (for example, using `DATA(...)` or `FINAL(...)`), provide the desired type with the constructor expression and assign
values in one go.
- In case of [deep]( "Glossary Entry")
and [nested structures]( "Glossary Entry")
or [deep tables]( "Glossary Entry"),
the use of `VALUE` expressions is handy, too, because you can create corresponding values in place.
The following examples cover:
- Populating structures and internal tables with `VALUE`
- Creating initial values (for all types possible)
- Possible additions, such as `BASE` (retaining existing content) and `LINES OF` (adding all or some lines from other internal tables; more additions are available here)
- Short form of `VALUE` constructor expressions for internal tables with structured line types
- Excursions
Example: Structure
"-------------- Populating structures/internal tables with VALUE --------------
``` abap
"Creating a structured type
"Declaring structured data type and structured data object
TYPES: BEGIN OF struc_type,
a TYPE i,
END OF struc_type.
DATA struc TYPE struc_type. "Structured data object
struc = VALUE #( a = 1 b = 'aaa' ). "Deriving the type using #
a TYPE i,
END OF struc_type.
DATA struc TYPE struc_type.
As mentioned above, the concept of [inline
enters the picture here, which simplifies ABAP programming. You can
construct a new data object (for example, using `DATA(...)`),
provide the desired type with the constructor expression and assign
values in one go.

``` abap
"Explicit type specification needed
DATA(structure) = VALUE struc_type( a = 2 b = 'bbb' ).

Note that initial values can be created by omitting the specification of
components or by providing no content within the parentheses.
"Using VALUE constructor expression
"Note: The data type can be retrieved from the context. Then, # can
"be specified.
struc = VALUE #( a = 1 b = 'aaa' ).
``` abap
"Component b not specified, b remains initial
struc = VALUE #( a = 2 ).
"Using an inline declaration
"In the following example, the type cannot be retrieved from the
"context. Therefore, an explicit specification of the type is
DATA(struc2) = VALUE struc_type( a = 2 b = 'bbb' ).
"The following syntax is also possible (explicit data type
"specification although the type can be determined).
struc = VALUE struc_type( a = 3 b = 'ccc' ).
"Using such a VALUE constructor expression instead of, for example,
"assigning the component values individually using the component
"selector (-).
struc-a = 4.
struc-b = 'ddd'.
"Internal table
"Note the extra pair of parentheses for an individual table line.
itab = VALUE #( ( a = 5 b = 'eee' )
( a = 6 b = 'fff' ) ).
"Using such a VALUE constructor expression instead of, for example,
"APPEND statements (note the BASE addition for retaining existing
"table lines further down)
APPEND struc TO itab.
"Inline declaration, explicit table type specification after VALUE
TYPES itab_type TYPE TABLE OF struc_type WITH EMPTY KEY.
DATA(itab2) = VALUE itab_type( ( a = 7 b = 'ggg' )
( a = 8 b = 'hhh' ) ).
"Internal table with an elementary line type
"Unstructured line types work without component names.
DATA(itab3) = VALUE string_table( ( `Hello` )
( `world` ) ).
"Explicit setting of initial value for a component
struc = VALUE #( a = 1 b = value #( ) ).
"-------------- Creating initial values --------------
"The whole structure is initial
"Type-specific initial value for data objects by leaving the
"VALUE constructor expression empty
"Structure (the entire structure is initial)
struc = VALUE #( ).
"Creating initial values for an elementary data type
DATA num1 TYPE i.
num1 = VALUE #( ).
"Inline declaration
DATA(num2) = VALUE i( ).

Regarding internal tables, the line specifications are enclosed in an
inner pair of parentheses `( ... )`. In the following example,
three lines are added to an internal table.

``` abap
"Creating an internal table type and an internal table
DATA itab TYPE tab_type.
"Internal table
DATA(itab4) = VALUE itab_type( ).
"This basically corresponds to the following data object declarations
"DATA itab5 TYPE itab_type.
"DATA itab6 TYPE itab_type VALUE IS INITIAL.
"Filling the internal table using the VALUE operator with #
itab = VALUE #( ( a = 1 b = 'aaa' )
                ( a = 2 b = 'bbb' )
                ( a = 3 b = 'ccc' ) ).
"Internal table declared inline, explicit type specification
DATA(itab2) = VALUE tab_type( ( a = 1 b = 'aaa' )
                              ( a = 2 b = 'bbb' )
                              ( a = 3 b = 'ccc' ) ).
"Unstructured line types work without component names.
"Here, the internal table type is a string table.
DATA(itab3) = VALUE string_table( ( `abc` ) ( `def` ) ( `ghi` ) ).
"Not specifying individual components means these components
"remain initial
"Component b not specified, i.e. b remains initial
struc = VALUE #( a = 2 ).
"Explicitly setting an initial value for a component
struc = VALUE #( a = 1 b = VALUE #( ) ).
"All component values of the first line added are initial
itab4 = VALUE #( ( ) ( a = 1 b = 'aaa' ) ).
"Initial values can be created for all types, e.g. also for elementary types.
"VALUE cannot be used to create elementary data objects and provide concrete
"values, however, an empty VALUE expression can be used to create elementary
"data objects with type-specific initial values.
DATA(int) = VALUE i( ).
DATA int2 TYPE i.
int2 = VALUE #( ).
DATA(xstr) = VALUE xstring( ).
"-------------- VALUE constructor used for nested/deep data objects --------------
In case of
[deep]( "Glossary Entry")
and [nested
structures]( "Glossary Entry")
or [deep
tables]( "Glossary Entry"),
the use of `VALUE` expressions is handy. The following example
demonstrates a nested structure.
``` abap
"Creating a nested structure
DATA: BEGIN OF nested_struc,
a TYPE i,
BEGIN OF struct,
b TYPE i,
b TYPE i,
END OF struct,
END OF nested_struc.
END OF nested_struc.
"Filling the deep structure
nested_struc = VALUE #( a = 1 struct = VALUE #( b = 2 c = 'abc' ) ).
"Populating a nested structure
nested_struc = VALUE #( a = 1 struct = VALUE #( b = 1 c = 'aaa' ) ).
`BASE` addition: A constructor expression without the
`BASE` addition initializes the target variable. Hence, you can
use the addition if you do not want to construct a structure or internal
table from scratch but keep existing content.
"Instead of, for example, using the component selector
nested_struc-a = 2.
nested_struc-struct-b = 3.
nested_struc-struct-c = 'bbb'.
``` abap
"Filling structure
"Deep table
TYPES deep_itab_type LIKE TABLE OF nested_struc WITH EMPTY KEY.
DATA(deep_itab) = VALUE deep_itab_type( ( nested_struc ) "Adding an existing structure
( a = 3 struct = VALUE #( b = 3 c = 'ccc' ) )
( a = 4 struct = VALUE #( b = 4 c = 'ddd' ) ) ).
"-------------- Additions to VALUE constructor expressions --------------
"Note: LET and FOR expressions can be added to VALUE constructor expressions.
"Find more information further down.
"-------------- BASE addition --------------
"A constructor expression without the BASE addition initializes the target variable.
"Therefore, you can use the addition if you do not want to construct a structure or
"internal table from scratch but keep existing content.
"Populating a structure
struc = VALUE #( a = 1 b = 'aaa' ).
"struc is not initialized, only component b is modified, value of a is kept
struc = VALUE #( BASE struc b = 'bbb' ).
"Filling internal table with two lines
"Populating an internal table
itab = VALUE #( ( a = 1 b = 'aaa' )
                ( a = 2 b = 'bbb' ) ).
( a = 2 b = 'bbb' ) ).
"Two more lines are added instead of initializing the internal table
"Two more lines are added, existing content is preserved, the internal table is not
itab = VALUE #( BASE itab
                ( a = 3 b = 'ccc' )
                ( a = 4 b = 'ddd' ) ).
( a = 3 b = 'ccc' )
( a = 4 b = 'ddd' ) ).
`LINES OF` addition: All or some lines of another table can be included in the target internal table (provided that they have
appropriate line types):
``` abap
"-------------- LINES OF addition -------------
"All or some lines of another table can be included in the target internal table
"(provided that they have appropriate line types).
"With the LINES OF addition, more additions can be specified.
DATA(itab5) = itab.
DATA(itab6) = itab.
itab = VALUE #( ( a = 1 b = 'aaa' )
                ( a = 2 b = 'bbb' )
                ( LINES OF itab2 ) "All lines of itab2
                ( LINES OF itab3 FROM 2 TO 5 ) ). "Specific lines of itab3
( a = 2 b = 'bbb' )
( LINES OF itab5 ) "All lines of itab5
( LINES OF itab6 FROM 2 TO 4 ) ). "Specific lines of itab6
itab = VALUE #( ( LINES OF itab5 STEP 2 ) "Adding every second line
( LINES OF itab6 USING KEY primary_key ) ). "Specifying a table key
"-------------- Short form for internal tables with structured line types --------------
"- Assignments of values to individual structure components are possible outside of inner
" parentheses
"- In that case, all of the following components in the inner parentheses are assigned that
" value.
"- The assignment is made up to the next explicit assignment for the corresponding component.
TYPES: BEGIN OF structype,
a TYPE i,
c TYPE string,
END OF structype.
DATA(itab7) = VALUE tabtype( b = 'aaa' ( a = 1 c = `xxx` )
( a = 2 c = `yyy` )
b = 'bbb' c = `zzz` ( a = 3 )
( a = 4 ) ).
*A B C
*1 aaa xxx
*2 aaa yyy
*3 bbb zzz
*4 bbb zzz
"This option can be handy in various contexts, for example, in a
"range table.
"Populating an integer table with values from 1 to 20 (see iteration
"expressions with FOR furhter down)
DATA(inttab) = VALUE int_tab_type( FOR x = 1 WHILE x <= 20 ( x ) ).
DATA rangetab TYPE RANGE OF i.
"Populating a range table using VALUE and the short form
rangetab = VALUE #( sign = 'I'
option = 'BT' ( low = 1 high = 3 )
( low = 6 high = 8 )
( low = 12 high = 15 )
option = 'GE' ( low = 18 ) ).
"Using a SELECT statement to retrieve internal table content
"based on the range table specifications
SELECT * FROM @inttab AS tab
WHERE table_line IN @rangetab
"result: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20
"The following EML statement creates RAP BO instances. The BDEF derived
"type is created inline. With the CREATE FROM addition, the %control values
"must be specified explicitly. You can provide the corresponding values
"for all table lines using the short form instead of individually
"specifying the values for each instance.
MODIFY ENTITIES OF zdemo_abap_rap_ro_m
%control-key_field = if_abap_behv=>mk-on
%control-field1 = if_abap_behv=>mk-on
%control-field2 = if_abap_behv=>mk-on
%control-field3 = if_abap_behv=>mk-on
%control-field4 = if_abap_behv=>mk-off
( %cid = 'cid1'
key_field = 1
field1 = 'aaa'
field2 = 'bbb'
field3 = 10
field4 = 100 )
( %cid = 'cid2'
key_field = 2
field1 = 'ccc'
field2 = 'ddd'
field3 = 20
field4 = 200 ) )

Using the inline construction of structures and internal tables, you can
@@ -810,7 +930,7 @@ DATA(time_of_day) = CONV string(
WHEN time BETWEEN '050001' AND '120000' THEN good && ` morn` && ending "Good morning
WHEN time BETWEEN '120001' AND '180000' THEN good && ` afternoon`
WHEN time BETWEEN '180001' AND '220000' THEN good && ` even` && ending
ELSE `night` ) ).
ELSE good && ` night` ) ).
"Getting a particular column name of an existing internal table using a RTTI
@@ -827,7 +947,7 @@ DATA(comp2_a) = components[ 2 ]-name. "COMP2
"Achieving the result from above even in one statement using LET
DATA(comp2_b) = CONV abap_compname(
LET comps = CAST cl_abap_structdescr( CAST cl_abap_tabledescr(
cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( it ) )->get_table_line_type( ) )->components
cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( it ) )->get_table_line_type( ) )->components
IN comps[ 2 ]-name ).
"Constructing a structure using local variables
@@ -940,9 +1060,9 @@ DATA(it1) = VALUE itab_type( FOR wa IN itab ( col1 = wa-col1 && 'z'
"LOOP AT equivalent
CLEAR it1.
APPEND VALUE #( col1 = ref->col1 && 'z'
col2 = ref->col2 + 1 ) TO it1.
LOOP AT itab INTO DATA(wa_loop).
APPEND VALUE #( col1 = wa_loop-col1 && 'z'
col2 = wa_loop-col2 + 1 ) TO it1.
@@ -985,7 +1105,7 @@ DATA(it3) = VALUE string_table( FOR <str> IN itab INDEX INTO idx
"The following example commented out shows an EML statement in the implementation
"of a handler method taken from an EML cheat sheet example.
"'result' is an input parameter/internal table containing RAP BO instance data on whose
"basis, an EML MODIFY statement is executed. A suitable internal table is constructed
"basis an EML MODIFY statement is executed. A suitable internal table is constructed
"in place and that is used as operand of the MODIFY ... UPDATE FIELDS ... WITH ...
@@ -1118,6 +1238,8 @@ DATA(it13) = VALUE itab_type( FOR y = 31 THEN y - 10 UNTIL y < 10
* 11 12 13

<p align="right"><a href="#top">⬆️ back to top</a></p>


- The
@@ -1160,7 +1282,7 @@ DATA(long_str) = REDUCE s-col1( INIT str = VALUE #( )
THEN <line>-col1
ELSE str ) ).
"Getting the maximum value (other than using SORT)
"Getting the maximum value (other than, for example, using a SORT statement)
"Unlike above, a variable is used instead of a field symbol.
"Result: 3
DATA(max_val) = REDUCE i( INIT max = 0
@@ -1247,7 +1369,7 @@ DATA(itab4grp) = VALUE itab_type( ( col1 = 'a' col2 = 1 col3 = 2 )
( col1 = 'c' col2 = 11 col3 = 12 ) ).
"Constucting a result using VALUE
"Constructing a result using VALUE
"The following example returns the values of identified groups in an internal table
"Table lines are evaluated by grouping all lines that meet the condition
"specified in GROUP BY (group key binding). The group key is stored in the variable
@@ -1289,8 +1411,7 @@ DATA(it_reduced) = REDUCE string_table(
GROUP BY ( grpkey = grt-col1
LET mem = VALUE string_table(
FOR grpr IN GROUP group ( |{ grpr-col2 }, { grpr-col3 }| ) ) IN
LET mem = VALUE string_table( FOR grpr IN GROUP group ( |{ grpr-col2 }, { grpr-col3 }| ) ) IN
NEXT li = VALUE string_table( BASE li ( |Group key: "{ group-grpkey }" \| | &&
|group size: { group-size } \| | &&
|group index: { group-index } \| members: | &&
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1878,6 +1878,17 @@ DATA(a) = cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( some_struc ).
DATA(b) = CAST cl_abap_structdescr( a ).
DATA(c) = b->components.
"get_included_view method: Getting type information for included
"components, e.g. in case of deep structures
a TYPE i, "elementary type
b TYPE zdemo_abap_carr, "structure
c TYPE string_table, "internal table
END OF st.
DATA(type_descr) = CAST cl_abap_structdescr(
cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_name( 'ST' ) )->get_included_view( ).
"As mentioned earlier about type name specifications for statements
"such as CREATE DATA, in addition to character-like data objects for
"the type name specified in the parentheses, you can also use absolute
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
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@@ -1181,7 +1181,7 @@ FIND FIRST OCCURRENCE OF `Z`
- Built-in search functions, such as `find`, are available for searching strings.
- They return a return value of type i and contain multiple (optional) parameters.
- `FIND` covers the same functionality and more with the many addition options.
- Fore more information, see [here](
- For more information, see [here](

Parameters of the `find` function:
- `val`:
@@ -1766,7 +1766,7 @@ DATA(dist4) = distance( val1 = str_to_check val2 = `zabapzzzzzzzzzzzz` max = 5 )
"If the value of max is 0 or less, an exception is raised.
DATA(dist5) = distance( val1 = str_to_check val2 = `zabapzzzzzzzzzzzz` max = 0 ).
DATA(dist5) = distance( val1 = str_to_check val2 = `#ab#ap#` max = 0 ).
CATCH cx_sy_strg_par_val.
39 changes: 38 additions & 1 deletion
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@@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ MODIFY ENTITIES OF root_ent "full name of root entity
snippet is basically a shortcut for the addition
that is used here. When using `FROM`, the values of the
`%control` structure must be specified explicitly.
`%control` structure must be specified explicitly.
>- The BDEF derived types can also be created
as shown in the example using a [constructor
@@ -986,6 +986,43 @@ MODIFY ENTITIES OF root_ent "full name of root entity
for other EML statements.
>- The [`SET FIELDS WITH`](!ABAP_VARIANT_4@4@) addition is available as another field specification option. However, it has limitations that you should be aware of. It can cause syntax warnings. Check the documentation. It is recommended that you use `FIELDS ... WITH` and `FROM`.

Excursion: Specifying `%control` component values in the short form of `VALUE` constructor expressions

"The following EML statement creates RAP BO instances. The BDEF derived
"type is created inline. With the FROM addition, the %control values
"must be specified explicitly. You can provide the corresponding values
"for all table lines using the short form, i.e. outiside of the inner
"parentheses, instead of individually specifying the values for each
"instance within the parentheses. In this case, the corresponding %control
"component value is assigned for all of the following table lines.
MODIFY ENTITIES OF zdemo_abap_rap_ro_m
%control-key_field = if_abap_behv=>mk-on
%control-field1 = if_abap_behv=>mk-on
%control-field2 = if_abap_behv=>mk-on
%control-field3 = if_abap_behv=>mk-on
%control-field4 = if_abap_behv=>mk-off
( %cid = 'cid1'
key_field = 1
field1 = 'aaa'
field2 = 'bbb'
field3 = 10
field4 = 100 )
( %cid = 'cid2'
key_field = 2
field1 = 'ccc'
field2 = 'ddd'
field3 = 20
field4 = 200 ) )

The following EML statement combines multiple operations in one EML
request. It demonstrates the use of `%cid` and
`%cid_ref`. First, two instances are created by specifying
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ This cheat sheet provides a high-level overview of classic dynpro topics with a
> - is not intended to encourage you to start creating classic dynpros for programming new applications.
> - does not cover all facets, techniques, and keywords in great detail.
> - is intended to cover a selection of dynpro-related topics and syntax that you may encounter in older ABAP code. If you need more information, always consult the ABAP Keyword Documentation.
> - Some of the statements described here - the ones used in the dynpro flow logic - are programmed in a special programming language. Although it looks like ABAP, it is not ABAP.
> - Some of the statements described here - the ones used in the dynpro flow logic - are programmed in a special programming language.
> - Links to the ABAP Keyword Documentation in this cheat sheet refer to the documentation for [Standard ABAP]( (latest version).
## About Dynpros

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