Reader is an open source, Web-based aggregator of content served by Web Feeds (RSS, Atom).
Reader is written in Java, and may be run on any operating system with Java support.
- Supports RSS and Atom standards
- Organize your feeds into categories and keep track of your favorite articles
- Supports Web based and mobile user interfaces
- Keyboard shortcuts
- RESTful Web API
- Full text search
- OPML import / export
- Skinnable
- Android application
See for a list of features and benefits.
Compiled installers are available here for each new versions:
Reader is released under the terms of the GPL license. See COPYING
for more
information or see
- English
- French
- Chinese by Ryan H. Wang
- Danish by exaviore
- Italian by Marco Narco
- Japanese
- Korean
- German
Prerequisites: JDK 7, Maven 3
Reader is organized in several Maven modules:
- reader-parent
- reader-core
- reader-web
- reader-web-common
- reader-android
First off, clone the repository: git clone git://
or download the sources from GitHub.
From the reader-parent
mvn clean -DskipTests install
From the reader-web
mvn jetty:run
From the reader-web
mvn -Pprod -DskipTests clean install
You will get your deployable WAR in the target
Prerequisites :
- Gradle
- Android SDK
- Environment variables pointing to the keystore (see
Then, from the reader-android
gradlew build
The generated APK will be in app/build/apk/app-release.apk