- Download DMG from Official website
brew cask install lunar
- Sync-based Adaptive Brightness (and contrast) based on the built-in light sensor of the Macbook or iMac
- Location-based Adaptive Brightness (and contrast) based on the sunrise/sunset times in your location
- App Exception list if you need more brightness for specific activities (watching movies, design work)
- individual settings per display
- hotkeys for setting brightness and contrast that respect the min/max values per monitor:
- CTRL+CMD+0 to set brightness/contrast to minimum
- CTRL+CMD+1 for 25% of the range between min and max
- CTRL+CMD+2 for 50% of the range between min and max
- CTRL+CMD+3 for 75% of the range between min and max
- CTRL+CMD+4 to set brightness/contrast to maximum
It doesn't interfere at all with the native adaptive brightness that macOS implements for the built-in display.