Quickly stub away any HTTP service.
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HttPlaceholder lets you stub away any HTTP webservice.
It was thought up while I was working at a company which had many interconnected webservices. The development process was very painful, because it meant all the other webservices should also be started on my local dev PC, or I had to use the "development" environment, which did not work for half of the time. HttPlaceholder fills this gap nicely.
- can easily be installed on your dev PC.
- can be used to easily create stubs, either as separate YAML files, through the API or through the user interface.
- can easily be hosted on any server.
- can use many different HTTP condition checkers and response writers to make your HTTP stubs as specific as you need.
Also visit the website: https://httplaceholder.org/
Linux, Windows and Mac are supported.
Follow these steps to install / update HttPlaceholder. If you update HttPlaceholder, make sure to read the changelog to see if there are no breaking changes.
Install on Windows
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dukeofharen/httplaceholder/master/scripts/Install-Windows.ps1'))
Install on Linux
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dukeofharen/httplaceholder/master/scripts/install-linux.sh | bash
Install on Mac
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dukeofharen/httplaceholder/master/scripts/install-mac.sh | bash
HttPlaceholder has a Docker image; it can be found here.
Run the following command to run a basic HttPlaceholder container: docker run -p 5000:5000 dukeofharen/httplaceholder:latest
Install as .NET tool
dotnet tool install --global HttPlaceholder
- Install HttPlaceholder (see Installation).
- Create a new .yaml file (e.g.
). - Copy and paste these contents in your new file:
- id: situation-01
method: GET
equals: /users
equals: 12
equals: first_name
statusCode: 200
text: |
"first_name": "John"
Content-Type: application/json
Open the terminal in the folder you've added the
file and run the following command:httplaceholder
. HttPlaceholder will now start and will load the stubs in the current folder. -
Perform a specific HTTP call to HttPlaceholder so your provided response will be returned.
- For Linux / Mac (cURL needs to be installed):
curl "http://localhost:5000/users?id=12&filter=first_name" -D-
- For Windows (uses Powershell):
(Invoke-WebRequest "http://localhost:5000/users?id=12&filter=first_name").RawContent
You can view and inspect the performed requests in the user interface at http://localhost:5000/ph-ui.
For more sophisticated examples, go to the samples to view samples for all supported HTTP condition checkers and response writers. Learn more about HttPlaceholder by reading the documentation.
- Installation
- Getting started
- Stub samples
- Configuration
- Request conditions
- Response writers
- Management interface
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
- Top Feature Requests (Add your votes using the 👍 reaction)
- Top Bugs (Add your votes using the 👍 reaction)
- Newest Bugs
Reach out to the maintainer at one of the following places:
- GitHub discussions
- The email which is located in GitHub profile
If you want to say thank you or/and support active development of HttPlaceholder:
- Add a GitHub Star to the project.
- Tweet about HttPlaceholder on your Twitter.
- Send me an email (see my GitHub Profile).
First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! Contributions are what make the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make will benefit everybody else and are greatly appreciated.
We have set up a separate document containing our contribution guidelines.
Thank you for being involved!
The original setup of this repository is by dukeofharen (https://ducode.org).
For a full list of all authors and contributors, check the contributor's page.
HttPlaceholder follows good practices of security, but 100% security can't be granted in software. HttPlaceholder is provided "as is" without any warranty. Use at your own risk.
For more info, please refer to the security.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.
See LICENSE for more information.