Influencer Detector is a system designed with the purpose of minning Facebook pages info and analyzing their relations in order to calculate influence levels within certain category over a predefined graph.
![alt text]( Influencer Detector Architecture)
- influencer-detector-front
- influencer-detector-back
- influencer-detector-crawler
- influencer-detector-analytics
We developed Influencer Detector as a school project in the Advanced Databases course. The team:
- Monserrat Genereux
- Victor Garcia
- Diego Toledo
Core analytics logic. This module uses Page Rank algorithm to calculate the most important nodes in the Facebook Graph the user defined. It uses:
- Spark to run the algorithm distributed over a cluster
- Spark Graphx library utilities to work over graphs
- Spark Job Server to provide a REST API for easy job analytics requests from the backend.
- Cassandra 3.0
- Spark 1.6.2
- Spark Job Server 0.6.2
- scala 2.10
- sbt 0.1
Run Spark Job Server docker container with the Cassandra connector:
docker run -d -p 8090:8090 velvia/spark-jobserver:0.6.2.mesos-0.28.1.spark-1.6.1 --packages com.datastax.spark:spark-cassandra-connector_2.10:1.6.6
Define a Spark Context connected to Cassandra. Insert your actual Cassandra IP address:
curl -d "" 'localhost:8090/contexts/cassandra-context?num-cpu-cores=4&memory-per-node=512m&<cassandra-ip>
Build our analytics fat jar:
sbt clean assembly
Submit jar to Spark:
curl --data-binary @./target/scala-2.10/toledo-influencer-detector_0.0.1.jar localhost:8090/jars/influencer_detector
This sets the following:
- Context:
- App:
These values are used by the backend. If you decide to change just keep in mind that those need to be changed there also.
Build our analytics fat jar:
sbt clean assembly
Follow this awesome AWS tutorial: Installing and Running JobServer for Apache Spark on Amazon EMR
The configurations we used for deploying to EMR are under under /config