E.R.I.K.A (Empathicly Reciprocating Intelligent Konnection Agent) is a web based mental health chat bot.
Client README.md Server
python3 Server/Server.py
sqlite3 Server/top_secret.db
select * from users;
select * from chats;
rm Server/erikaTraining.sqlite3
userID: 12
userName: test1
userPassword: test1
APIs list:
need login first
- deleteUser (DELETE method)
- localhost:8080/users
- send URL encoded utf-8
- userID : (userID)
- updateUserName (PUT method)
- localhost:8080/users
- send: URL encoded utf-8
- userID : (userID)
- type : updateName (HAVE TO HARD CODE)
- updateName:(the new name)
- resp: 400(updateName: name is existed) | 401 (not found) | 200 (OK)
- updateUserPassword (PUT method)
- localhost:8080/users
- send: URL encoded utf-8
- userID : (userID)
- type : updatePassword (HAVE TO HARD CODE)
- updatePassword : (the new pwd)
- resp: 400(updateName: name is existed) | 401 (not found) | 200 (OK)
- auth (POST method)
- localhost:8080/sessions
- send: URL encoded utf-8
- userName : (name)
- userPassword : (pwd)
- resp: 400(missing userName or pwd) | 401 (not found) | 200 (OK)
- logout (localhost:8080/logout method GET)
- createUser (POST method)
- localhost:8080/users
- send URL encoded utf-8
- userName : (name)
- userPassword : (pwd)
- resp: 400(name is existed try a new one) | 401 (not found) | 201 (OK)
- getAllUser (GET method)
- localhost:8080/users
- resp: 400(userID can't covert to int or bad) | the Users list
- getOneUser (GET method)
- localhost:8080/user?userID=(userID)
- http://localhost:8080/user?userID=12
- resp: 400(userID can't covert to int or bad)
- getChatHistory (GET method)
- localhost:8080/history?userID=(userID)
- http://localhost:8080/history?userID=12
- resp: 400(userID can't covert to int or bad or can't find it) 204 (OK but not history found)
- chatConversation (GET method)
- localhost:8080/chat?userID=(userID)&userInput=(userInput)&timeStamp=(timeStamp)
- (timeStamp OPTIONAL)
- resp: 400(userID can't covert to int or bad or can't find it) 200 (OK)