There is the following example.drushrc.php example how to use shell aliases:
# $options['shell-aliases']['dis-all'] = '!drush -y dis `drush pml --status=enabled --type=module --no-core --pipe`';
I've tried exactly the same alias, but it doesn't work:
$ drush -v dis-all
Calling proc_open(ssh drush@foo 'cd /var/www && drush -y dis '\''`drush'\'' pml '\''--status=enabled'\'' '\''--type=module'\'' --no-core '\''--pipe`'\''');
Unknown options: --status, --type, --no-core, --pipe`. See `drush help pm-disable` for available options.
Is the example wrong and should be updated, or it's some kind of bug?
Tested the following simple command substitution, it fails as well:
'test' => '!echo `id`',
by printing just:
The same with $()
With these examples:
'test-3' => "!echo `id`",
'test-4' => "!echo $(id)",
It's saying:
The drush command 'test-3' could not be found.
The drush command 'test-4' could not be found.
Drush Version : 7.0-dev