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The @drpiou/react-state package creates a global state context.

  • written in TypeScript.


  • React (17.0.2+)
  • React Native (0.64.0+)
  • Expo (43+)


yarn add @drpiou/react-state



import { userState } from './user';

export type StateList = typeof state;

export type StateKey = keyof StateList;

export const state = {
  isLoggedIn: false,
  user: userState,


export type User = {
  firstname: string;
  lastname: string;
  name: string;
  age: number;

export const userState: User = {
  firstname: 'A',
  lastname: 'B',
  name: '',
  age: 30,


import { StateSaga } from '@drpiou/react-state';
import { StateList } from '../index';
import { setName } from './setName';

export const sagas: StateSaga<StateList>[] = [
    keys: ['user.firstname', 'user.lastname'],
    saga: setName,


import { StateSagaCallback } from '@drpiou/react-state';
import { StateList } from '../index';

export const setName: StateSagaCallback<StateList> = (state) => {
  return {
    user: { name: [state.user.firstname, state.user.lastname].join(' ') },


import { Path, PathValue } from '@drpiou/ts-utils';
import {
} from '@drpiou/react-state';
import { state, StateList } from '../state';
import { sagas } from '../state/sagas';

export type GlobalStateProps<P extends { [key: string]: unknown }> =
  WithStateProps<StateList, P>;

export type GlobalStateRef = StateRef<StateList>;

export type WithGlobalStatePathProps<P extends { [key: string]: Path<StateList> }> =
  WithStateProps<StateList, { [K in keyof P]: PathValue<StateList, P[K]> }>;

export type WithGlobalStateProps = WithStateProps<StateList>;

export const [useGlobalState, GlobalStateProvider, withGlobalState] =
  createStateContext(state, {
    log: true,


import MyComponent from './components/MyComponent';
import MyComponentWithState from './components/MyComponentWithState';
import { GlobalStateProvider } from './contexts/state';

const App = (): JSX.Element => {
  return (
    <GlobalStateProvider onChange={console.log} onRef={console.log}>
      <MyComponent />
      <MyComponentWithState />

export default App;


import { useGlobalState } from '../../contexts/state';

const MyComponent = (): JSX.Element => {
  const { state, setState } = useGlobalState();

  console.log('MyComponent: re-render');

  const handleClick1 = (): void => {
    setState({ user: { firstname: String( } });

  const handleClick2 = (): void => {
    setState({ isLoggedIn: !state.isLoggedIn });

  return (
      <div className={'card'}>
        <button onClick={handleClick1}>{}</button>
      <div className={'card'}>
        <button onClick={handleClick2}>{String(state.isLoggedIn)}</button>

export default MyComponent;


import { WithGlobalStatePathProps, withGlobalState } from '../../contexts/theme';

const MyComponentWithState = withGlobalState({ isLoggedIn: 'isLoggedIn' })(
  (props: WithGlobalStatePathProps<{ isLoggedIn: 'isLoggedIn' }>): JSX.Element => {
    const { isLoggedIn, setState } = props;

    console.log('MyComponentWithState: re-render');

    const handleClick = (): void => {
      setState({ isLoggedIn: !isLoggedIn });

    return (
      <div className={'card'}>
        <button onClick={handleClick}>{String(isLoggedIn)}</button>

export default MyComponentWithState;


import { DeepPartial, DeepRecord, Path } from '@drpiou/ts-utils';

export type createStateContext = <S extends DeepRecord<string, unknown>>(
  initialState: S,
  contextOptions?: StateContextOptions<S>,
) => [useState<S>, React.ComponentType<StateProviderProps<S>>, withState<S>];

export type useState<S> = () => StateRef<S>;

export type withState<T, Key> = <K extends { [key: string]: Path<S> }>(
  keys: K,
) => <C extends React.ComponentType, P extends React.ComponentProps<C>>(
  Component: React.ComponentType<P>,
) => (props: Omit<P, keyof WithStateProps<S, K>>) => JSX.Element;

export type StateContextOptions<S = DeepRecord<string, unknown>> = {
  commitSagaOnError?: boolean;
  ignoreSagaError?: boolean;
  log?: boolean;
  logFilters?: Path<S>[];
  sagas?: StateSaga<S>[];
  throwSagaError?: boolean;

export type StateProviderProps<S> = {
  state?: S;
  defaultState?: DeepPartial<S>;
  onChange?: (state: S) => void;
  onRef?: (ref: StateRef<S>) => void;

export type StateRef<S> = {
  state: S;
  setState: SetStateContext<S>;

export type StateSaga<S, P = Path<S>> = {
  keys: P | P[];
  saga: StateSagaCallback<S>;

export type StateSagaCallback<S> = (state: S) => DeepPartial<S> | null;

export type WithStateProps<S, P = unknown> = P & Pick<StateRef<S>, 'setState'>;

export type SetStateContext<S> = (
  state: DeepPartial<S> | ((state: S) => DeepPartial<S> | null),
) => void;