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Releases: drizzle-team/drizzle-orm


07 Oct 14:32
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Breaking changes and migrate guide for Turso users

If you are using Turso and libsql, you will need to upgrade your drizzle.config and @libsql/client package.

  1. This version of drizzle-orm will only work with @libsql/client@0.10.0 or higher if you are using the migrate function. For other use cases, you can continue using previous versions(But the suggestion is to upgrade)
    To install the latest version, use the command:
npm i @libsql/client@latest
  1. Previously, we had a common drizzle.config for SQLite and Turso users, which allowed a shared strategy for both dialects. Starting with this release, we are introducing the turso dialect in drizzle-kit. We will evolve and improve Turso as a separate dialect with its own migration strategies.


import { defineConfig } from "drizzle-kit";

export default defineConfig({
  dialect: "sqlite",
  schema: "./schema.ts",
  out: "./drizzle",
  dbCredentials: {
    url: "database.db",
  breakpoints: true,
  verbose: true,
  strict: true,


import { defineConfig } from "drizzle-kit";

export default defineConfig({
  dialect: "turso",
  schema: "./schema.ts",
  out: "./drizzle",
  dbCredentials: {
    url: "database.db",
  breakpoints: true,
  verbose: true,
  strict: true,

If you are using only SQLite, you can use dialect: "sqlite"

LibSQL/Turso and Sqlite migration updates

SQLite "generate" and "push" statements updates

Starting from this release, we will no longer generate comments like this:

      '/*\n SQLite does not support "Changing existing column type" out of the box, we do not generate automatic migration for that, so it has to be done manually'
      + '\n Please refer to:'
      + '\n        '
      + '\n        '
      + "\n\n Due to that we don't generate migration automatically and it has to be done manually"
      + '\n*/'

We will generate a set of statements, and you can decide if it's appropriate to create data-moving statements instead. Here is an example of the SQL file you'll receive now:

PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;
--> statement-breakpoint
CREATE TABLE `__new_worker` (
  `id` integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
  `name` text NOT NULL,
  `salary` text NOT NULL,
  `job_id` integer,
  FOREIGN KEY (`job_id`) REFERENCES `job`(`id`) ON UPDATE no action ON DELETE no action
--> statement-breakpoint
INSERT INTO `__new_worker`("id", "name", "salary", "job_id") SELECT "id", "name", "salary", "job_id" FROM `worker`;
--> statement-breakpoint
DROP TABLE `worker`;
--> statement-breakpoint
ALTER TABLE `__new_worker` RENAME TO `worker`;
--> statement-breakpoint
PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON;

LibSQL/Turso "generate" and "push" statements updates

Since LibSQL supports more ALTER statements than SQLite, we can generate more statements without recreating your schema and moving all the data, which can be potentially dangerous for production environments.

LibSQL and Turso will now have a separate dialect in the Drizzle config file, meaning that we will evolve Turso and LibSQL independently from SQLite and will aim to support as many features as Turso/LibSQL offer.

With the updated LibSQL migration strategy, you will have the ability to:

  • Change Data Type: Set a new data type for existing columns.
  • Set and Drop Default Values: Add or remove default values for existing columns.
  • Set and Drop NOT NULL: Add or remove the NOT NULL constraint on existing columns.
  • Add References to Existing Columns: Add foreign key references to existing columns

You can find more information in the LibSQL documentation


  • Dropping foreign key will cause table recreation.

This is because LibSQL/Turso does not support dropping this type of foreign key.

CREATE TABLE `users` (
  `id` integer NOT NULL,
  `name` integer,
  `age` integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL
  FOREIGN KEY (`name`) REFERENCES `users1`("id") ON UPDATE no action ON DELETE no action
  • If the table has indexes, altering columns will cause index recreation:
    Drizzle-Kit will drop the indexes, modify the columns, and then create the indexes.

  • Adding or dropping composite foreign keys is not supported and will cause table recreation.

  • Primary key columns can not be altered and will cause table recreation.

  • Altering columns that are part of foreign key will cause table recreation.


  • You can create a reference on any column type, but if you want to insert values, the referenced column must have a unique index or primary key.
CREATE TABLE parent(a PRIMARY KEY, b UNIQUE, c, d, e, f);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i1 ON parent(c, d);
CREATE INDEX i2 ON parent(e);

CREATE TABLE child1(f, g REFERENCES parent(a));                        -- Ok
CREATE TABLE child2(h, i REFERENCES parent(b));                        -- Ok
CREATE TABLE child3(j, k, FOREIGN KEY(j, k) REFERENCES parent(c, d));  -- Ok
CREATE TABLE child4(l, m REFERENCES parent(e));                        -- Error!
CREATE TABLE child5(n, o REFERENCES parent(f));                        -- Error!
CREATE TABLE child6(p, q, FOREIGN KEY(p, q) REFERENCES parent(b, c));  -- Error!
CREATE TABLE child7(r REFERENCES parent(c));                           -- Error!

NOTE: The foreign key for the table child5 is an error because, although the parent key column has a unique index, the index uses a different collating sequence.

See more:

New casing param in drizzle-orm and drizzle-kit

There are more improvements you can make to your schema definition. The most common way to name your variables in a database and in TypeScript code is usually snake_case in the database and camelCase in the code. For this case, in Drizzle, you can now define a naming strategy in your database to help Drizzle map column keys automatically. Let's take a table from the previous example and make it work with the new casing API in Drizzle

Table can now become:

import { pgTable } from "drizzle-orm/pg-core";

export const ingredients = pgTable("ingredients", (t) => ({
  id: t.uuid().defaultRandom().primaryKey(),
  name: t.text().notNull(),
  description: t.text(),
  inStock: t.boolean().default(true),

As you can see, inStock doesn't have a database name alias, but by defining the casing configuration at the connection level, all queries will automatically map it to snake_case

const db = await drizzle('node-postgres', { connection: '', casing: 'snake_case' })

For drizzle-kit migrations generation you should also specify casing param in drizzle config, so you can be sure you casing strategy will be applied to drizzle-kit as well

import { defineConfig } from "drizzle-kit";

export default defineConfig({
  dialect: "postgresql",
  schema: "./schema.ts",
  dbCredentials: {
    url: "postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:5432/db",
  casing: "snake_case",


26 Aug 12:42
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New Features

🎉 Support for pglite driver

You can now use pglite with all drizzle-kit commands, including Drizzle Studio!

import { defineConfig } from "drizzle-kit";

export default defineConfig({
  dialect: "postgresql",
  driver: "pglite",
  schema: "./schema.ts",
  dbCredentials: {
    url: "local-pg.db",
  verbose: true,
  strict: true,

Bug fixes

  • mysql-kit: fix GENERATED ALWAYS AS ... NOT NULL - #2824


22 Aug 13:37
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Bug fixes

Big thanks to @L-Mario564 for his PR. It conflicted in most cases with a PR that was merged, but we incorporated some of his logic. Merging it would have caused more problems and taken more time to resolve, so we just took a few things from his PR, like removing "::" mappings in introspect and some array type default handlers

What was fixed

  1. The Drizzle Kit CLI was not working properly for the introspect command.
  2. Added the ability to use column names with special characters for all dialects.
  3. Included PostgreSQL sequences in the introspection process.
  4. Reworked array type introspection and added all test cases.
  5. Fixed all (we hope) default issues in PostgreSQL, where ::<type> was included in the introspected output.
  6. preserve casing option was broken

Tickets that were closed


08 Aug 14:27
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Breaking changes (for some of postgres.js users)

Bugs fixed for this breaking change

As we are doing with other drivers, we've changed the behavior of PostgreSQL-JS to pass raw JSON values, the same as you see them in the database. So if you are using the PostgreSQL-JS driver and passing data to Drizzle elsewhere, please check the new behavior of the client after it is passed to Drizzle.

We will update it to ensure it does not override driver behaviors, but this will be done as a complex task for everything in Drizzle in other releases

If you were using postgres-js with jsonb fields, you might have seen stringified objects in your database, while drizzle insert and select operations were working as expected.

You need to convert those fields from strings to actual JSON objects. To do this, you can use the following query to update your database:

if you are using jsonb:

update table_name
set jsonb_column = (jsonb_column #>> '{}')::jsonb;

if you are using json:

update table_name
set json_column = (json_column #>> '{}')::json;

We've tested it in several cases, and it worked well, but only if all stringified objects are arrays or objects. If you have primitives like strings, numbers, booleans, etc., you can use this query to update all the fields

if you are using jsonb:

UPDATE table_name
SET jsonb_column = CASE
    -- Convert to JSONB if it is a valid JSON object or array
    WHEN jsonb_column #>> '{}' LIKE '{%' OR jsonb_column #>> '{}' LIKE '[%' THEN
        (jsonb_column #>> '{}')::jsonb
    jsonb_column IS NOT NULL;

if you are using json:

UPDATE table_name
SET json_column = CASE
    -- Convert to JSON if it is a valid JSON object or array
    WHEN json_column #>> '{}' LIKE '{%' OR json_column #>> '{}' LIKE '[%' THEN
        (json_column #>> '{}')::json
WHERE json_column IS NOT NULL;

If nothing works for you and you are blocked, please reach out to me @AndriiSherman. I will try to help you!

Bug Fixes


08 Aug 14:03
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Breaking changes (for SQLite users)

Fixed Composite primary key order is not consistent by removing sort in SQLite and to be consistent with the same logic in PostgreSQL and MySQL

The issue that may arise for SQLite users with any driver using composite primary keys is that the order in the database may differ from the Drizzle schema.

  • If you are using push, you MAY be prompted to update your table with a new order of columns in the composite primary key. You will need to either change it manually in the database or push the changes, but this may lead to data loss, etc.

  • If you are using generate, you MAY also be prompted to update your table with a new order of columns in the composite primary key. You can either keep that migration or skip it by emptying the SQL migration file.

If nothing works for you and you are blocked, please reach out to me @AndriiSherman. I will try to help you!

Bug fixes


05 Aug 15:52
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  • Fix AWS Data API type hints bugs in RQB
  • Fix set transactions in MySQL bug - thanks @roguesherlock
  • Add forwaring dependencies within useLiveQuery, fixes #2651 - thanks @anstapol
  • Export additional types from SQLite package, like AnySQLiteUpdate - thanks @veloii


05 Aug 15:28
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  • Fixed a bug in PostgreSQL with push and introspect where the schemaFilter object was passed. It was detecting enums even in schemas that were not defined in the schemaFilter.
  • Fixed the drizzle-kit up command to work as expected, starting from the sequences release.


23 Jul 14:42
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  • Fix typings for indexes and allow creating indexes on 3+ columns mixing columns and expressions - thanks @lbguilherme!
  • Added support for "limit 0" in all dialects - closes #2011 - thanks @sillvva!
  • Make inArray and notInArray accept empty list, closes #1295 - thanks @RemiPeruto!
  • fix typo in lt typedoc - thanks @dalechyn!
  • fix wrong example in - thanks @7flash!


10 Jul 12:41
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Release notes for drizzle-orm@0.32.0 and drizzle-kit@0.23.0

It's not mandatory to upgrade both packages, but if you want to use the new features in both queries and migrations, you will need to upgrade both packages

New Features

🎉 MySQL $returningId() function

MySQL itself doesn't have native support for RETURNING after using INSERT. There is only one way to do it for primary keys with autoincrement (or serial) types, where you can access insertId and affectedRows fields. We've prepared an automatic way for you to handle such cases with Drizzle and automatically receive all inserted IDs as separate objects

import { boolean, int, text, mysqlTable } from 'drizzle-orm/mysql-core';

const usersTable = mysqlTable('users', {
  id: int('id').primaryKey(),
  name: text('name').notNull(),
  verified: boolean('verified').notNull().default(false),

const result = await db.insert(usersTable).values([{ name: 'John' }, { name: 'John1' }]).$returningId();
//    ^? { id: number }[]

Also with Drizzle, you can specify a primary key with $default function that will generate custom primary keys at runtime. We will also return those generated keys for you in the $returningId() call

import { varchar, text, mysqlTable } from 'drizzle-orm/mysql-core';
import { createId } from '@paralleldrive/cuid2';

const usersTableDefFn = mysqlTable('users_default_fn', {
  customId: varchar('id', { length: 256 }).primaryKey().$defaultFn(createId),
  name: text('name').notNull(),

const result = await db.insert(usersTableDefFn).values([{ name: 'John' }, { name: 'John1' }]).$returningId();
//  ^? { customId: string }[]

If there is no primary keys -> type will be {}[] for such queries

🎉 PostgreSQL Sequences

You can now specify sequences in Postgres within any schema you need and define all the available properties

import { pgSchema, pgSequence } from "drizzle-orm/pg-core";

// No params specified
export const customSequence = pgSequence("name");

// Sequence with params
export const customSequence = pgSequence("name", {
      startWith: 100,
      maxValue: 10000,
      minValue: 100,
      cycle: true,
      cache: 10,
      increment: 2

// Sequence in custom schema
export const customSchema = pgSchema('custom_schema');

export const customSequence = customSchema.sequence("name");

🎉 PostgreSQL Identity Columns

Source: As mentioned, the serial type in Postgres is outdated and should be deprecated. Ideally, you should not use it. Identity columns are the recommended way to specify sequences in your schema, which is why we are introducing the identity columns feature

import { pgTable, integer, text } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core' 

export const ingredients = pgTable("ingredients", {
  id: integer("id").primaryKey().generatedAlwaysAsIdentity({ startWith: 1000 }),
  name: text("name").notNull(),
  description: text("description"),

You can specify all properties available for sequences in the .generatedAlwaysAsIdentity() function. Additionally, you can specify custom names for these sequences

PostgreSQL docs reference.

🎉 PostgreSQL Generated Columns

You can now specify generated columns on any column supported by PostgreSQL to use with generated columns

Example with generated column for tsvector

Note: we will add tsVector column type before latest release

import { SQL, sql } from "drizzle-orm";
import { customType, index, integer, pgTable, text } from "drizzle-orm/pg-core";

const tsVector = customType<{ data: string }>({
  dataType() {
    return "tsvector";

export const test = pgTable(
    id: integer("id").primaryKey().generatedAlwaysAsIdentity(),
    content: text("content"),
    contentSearch: tsVector("content_search", {
      dimensions: 3,
      (): SQL => sql`to_tsvector('english', ${test.content})`
  (t) => ({
    idx: index("idx_content_search").using("gin", t.contentSearch),

In case you don't need to reference any columns from your table, you can use just sql template or a string

export const users = pgTable("users", {
  id: integer("id"),
  name: text("name"),
  generatedName: text("gen_name").generatedAlwaysAs(sql`hello world!`),
  generatedName1: text("gen_name1").generatedAlwaysAs("hello world!"),

🎉 MySQL Generated Columns

You can now specify generated columns on any column supported by MySQL to use with generated columns

You can specify both stored and virtual options, for more info you can check MySQL docs

Also MySQL has a few limitation for such columns usage, which is described here

Drizzle Kit will also have limitations for push command:

  1. You can't change the generated constraint expression and type using push. Drizzle-kit will ignore this change. To make it work, you would need to drop the column, push, and then add a column with a new expression. This was done due to the complex mapping from the database side, where the schema expression will be modified on the database side and, on introspection, we will get a different string. We can't be sure if you changed this expression or if it was changed and formatted by the database. As long as these are generated columns and push is mostly used for prototyping on a local database, it should be fast to drop and create generated columns. Since these columns are generated, all the data will be restored

  2. generate should have no limitations

export const users = mysqlTable("users", {
  id: int("id"),
  id2: int("id2"),
  name: text("name"),
  generatedName: text("gen_name").generatedAlwaysAs(
    (): SQL => sql`${} || 'hello'`,
    { mode: "stored" }
  generatedName1: text("gen_name1").generatedAlwaysAs(
    (): SQL => sql`${} || 'hello'`,
    { mode: "virtual" }

In case you don't need to reference any columns from your table, you can use just sql template or a string in .generatedAlwaysAs()

🎉 SQLite Generated Columns

You can now specify generated columns on any column supported by SQLite to use with generated columns

You can specify both stored and virtual options, for more info you can check SQLite docs

Also SQLite has a few limitation for such columns usage, which is described here

Drizzle Kit will also have limitations for push and generate command:

  1. You can't change the generated constraint expression with the stored type in an existing table. You would need to delete this table and create it again. This is due to SQLite limitations for such actions. We will handle this case in future releases (it will involve the creation of a new table with data migration).

  2. You can't add a stored generated expression to an existing column for the same reason as above. However, you can add a virtual expression to an existing column.

  3. You can't change a stored generated expression in an existing column for the same reason as above. However, you can change a virtual expression.

  4. You can't change the generated constraint type from virtual to stored for the same reason as above. However, you can change from stored to virtual.

New Drizzle Kit features

🎉 Migrations support for all the new orm features

PostgreSQL sequences, identity columns and generated columns for all dialects

🎉 New flag --force for drizzle-kit push

You can auto-accept all data-loss statements using the push command. It's only available in CLI parameters. Make sure you always use it if you are fine with running data-loss statements on your database

🎉 New migrations flag prefix

You can now customize migration file prefixes to make the format suitable for your migration tools:

  • index is the default type and will result in 0001_name.sql file names;
  • supabase and timestamp are equal and will result in 20240627123900_name.sql file names;
  • unix will result in unix seconds prefixes 1719481298_name.sql file names;
  • none will omit the prefix completely;
Example: Supabase migrations format
import { defineConfig } from "drizzle-kit";

export default defineConfig({
  dialect: "postgresql",
  migrations: {
    prefix: 'supabase'


08 Jul 14:56
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  • Mark prisma clients package as optional - thanks @Cherry