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Releases: drgrib/alfred-bear

Correct Tag Conjunction/Intersection Search

05 Nov 21:47
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This corrects a long-standing flaw in the workflow that I wasn't even aware of until recently: when searching with multiple tags, the search was not narrowed down to the intersection of the tags but rather their union. This was particularly frustrating if you were trying to narrow down the scope of the search to notes containing all tags. It required the most complicated SQL query yet but the problem is corrected.

Apologies for the flurry of releases in the past week. If I had foreseen all these issues, I would have grouped them into a single release. In case you missed it these features were also just added:

  • Default link pastes are now wiki-links to support backlinking
  • Image search

Image Search Support

04 Nov 17:39
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Adds image search support.

Backlink Support

31 Oct 16:21
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Adds wiki-link as default shift link to support new Bear backlinks in info tab (context).

An annoying caveat to this is that you must now cmd-click links to open them in a new window. @msageryd has made a feature request with Bear support to have "open links in new window" as a global Bear setting and they sound receptive to supporting it in future releases .

You can paste the previous default links with shift-cmd. Pasting ToC has been changed to option-cmd since it is less useful now with Bear 2's built-in ToC support.

Multiword Tag Support

22 Jul 19:10
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Adds support for tags with spaces in the form of #multiword tag#.

Bear 2.0 Support

12 Jul 13:03
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This update adds support for Bear 2.0. A special thanks to @verginer for authoring most of this and cleaning up the SQL query formatting in the source. Thanks also to @xiaogaozi for doing early testing on this and taking the time to write step-by-step instructions for others to use it early.

Note: this is not backward compatible with previous versions of Bear as I saw no compelling reason to add backwards compatibility. If you are sticking with previous versions of Bear, use version 1.1.9. Otherwise, be sure to update Bear to 2.0 before installing this.

Performance Increase

29 May 16:00
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I've increased the speed and lowered (eliminated?) the crash rate for queries by lowering the amount of database rows returned by the lite db queries. I've noticed no change in accuracy for my test queries, so this should hopefully just be a net gain in performance with no noticeable cost in accuracy.

Paste Table of Contents

11 Jun 20:12
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Adds ability to paste table of contents for a note with command + shift.

Title space fix

27 May 12:29
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Minor update to remove errant spaces that were getting added to titles on creation.

UTF case-insensitive search

27 Aug 18:05
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Enables case-insensitive search for non-English characters.

Intelligent Search

28 Jun 02:14
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You can now search for terms out of order or without typing the full exact titles of notes or full sentences of note contents and the search algorithm will merge and intelligently sort the best matching results from each of the words you type. You can put quotes around phrases for strict matching but it should rarely be necessary due to the preemptive sorting of the strongest matches to the top.