This is a ReactJS based website. I have built this by following a Udemy course (credits below) and by beginning with the Ceevee template by Styleshout (credits also below), and breaking up their template into isolated React components. Data is fed directly from a JSON File. This means that in its final form, it can be customized and used by anybody simply by filling in their own personal info into the JSON file and the changes will be dynamically fed into the site. If you would like to use this template for your own personal resume website, read on to learn how to build your own copy.
$ npm install
$ npm start
Merging to master branch will trigger the pipeline. There is a pipeline created on to grab the pushed code and run 'npm run build'. It is important that master code is kept clean and bug-free to keep the website alive.
Projects in ReactJS: The Complete React Learning Course by Eduonix