is a Bounded Model Checker for hybrid systems with parametric uncertainty, and probabilistic hybrid automata with additional randomness. It combines dreal/dreach and statistical analyzing methods.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang-omp++ ../src
We have tested them under Ubuntu 12.04, and Mac OSX EI Capitan v10.11.5.
The command line is as follows:
<testfile> <prob_drh-modelfile> <dreach> <k-unfolding_steps_for_dreach_model> <precision>
is a text file containing a sequence of test specifications, give the path to it<prob_drh-modelfile>
is the file name and path of the probabilistic extension model of the dreach model<dreach>
is the exectuable dreach<k-unfolding_steps_for_dreach_model>
is the given steps to unfold the probabilistic hybrid system<precision>
is the given \delta for the \delta-decision procedure dReal/dReach
For example, try the following command (the path for dReach needs to be changed):
./sreach_sq(or sreach_para) ../statistical_test/test01 \\
../models/02_bouncing_ball_with_drag.pdrh \\
dreach \\
8 \\
The final output should be the dReach output followed by something like:
BFTI 0.9 1000 1 1 0.01: Reject Null Hypothesis, successes = ??, samples = ??
To time the total CPU time, use command "time" before the command line of SReach.
For more details, the user can go to the Statistical_testing.pdf, and Usage.pdf in the documents folder.