- Montreal, Canada
AI Commits for IntelliJ based IDEs/Android Studio.
RailsConf 2023 • Consuming Webhooks Workshop by @colinloretz and @excid3 (screencast now available below ✨)
Bootstrap Dual Listbox
Utilities to help upgrading a ~250K line Rails app
dquimper / airbrake
Forked from airbrake/airbrakeThe official Airbrake library for Ruby on Rails. Links to other Airbrake libraries are in the ReadMe.
dquimper / pgpane
Forked from jwang/pgpaneA Mac OS X preference pane for PostgreSQL database.
Auto scale your resque workers on Heroku. Original code by darkhelmet.
Generates attr_accessors that encrypt and decrypt attributes
dquimper / pws
Forked from janlelis/pwspws is a command-line password safe/manager written in Ruby.
dquimper / mock_redis
Forked from sds/mock_redisMock Redis gem for Ruby
dquimper / ruby-style-guide
Forked from rubocop/ruby-style-guideA totally unofficial Ruby coding style guide
A community-driven Ruby coding style guide
The official Airbrake library for Ruby applications
dquimper / rails_admin
Forked from railsadminteam/rails_adminRailsAdmin is a Rails 3 engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data
dquimper / upcoming
Forked from francois/upcomingA sample Rails project for the Montreal.rb crowd - upcoming, without the Yahoo login-wall
dquimper / rcov
Forked from relevance/rcovThe new home of RCov on GitHub
Simple gem to implement upcase and downcase for french access letters.
Simple scaffold application that I use as test when interviewing graphic designer.
dquimper / rscribd
Forked from scribd/rscribdRuby client library for the Scribd API
A Mac OS X preference pane for PostgreSQL database.