Heidelberg Instruments GmbH
- Lisbon, Portugal
- https://github.com/dpscience
pyLifetimeSpectraGenerator - A simple Python program for the generation of synthetic lifetime spectra consisting of discrete or distributed characteristic lifetimes.
pyTailFit - A simple Python program enabling tail-fitting for the analysis of lifetime spectra using least-square optimization.
A modified version of the historical MATLAB code MELT additionally enabling tail-fitting on lifetime spectra consisting of distributed characteristic lifetimes using Maximum Entropy for optimization
DMonteCarloPositronDiffusion - A simple Monte-Carlo simulation framework to study the diffusion of positrons
This repository provides the binaries and resources to deploy the installer program for the software DQuickLTFit.
dpscience / LT10
Forked from jposzepszynski/LT10An application designed to perform analysis of experimental data obtained in Positron Anihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy.
deepIRF - A deep learning approach for reverse-broadening the instrumental response (IRF) in lifetime spectra
This repository provides the binaries and resources to deploy the installer program for the software DDRS4PALS.
dpscience / DL4FLI
Forked from jasontsmith2718/DL4FLIDeep Learning for Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging
pyDCONTINPALS - A Python program for running the historical FORTRAN code CONTIN-PALS which solves Fredholm integral equations with convoluted exponential decays as kernels of the type that occur in…
DMLLTDetectorPulseDiscriminator - A supervised machine learning approach for shape-sensitive detector pulse discrimination in lifetime spectroscopy applications
DLTReconvolution - A Python based software for the analysis of lifetime spectra using the iterative least-square reconvolution method
DDRS4PALS - A software for the acquisition and simulation of positron lifetime spectra (PALS) using the DRS4 evaluation board.
DLTPulseGenerator - A library for the simulation of lifetime spectra based on realistically modelled detector-output pulses
DQuickLTFit - A least-square fitting tool for the analysis of positron lifetime spectra using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm