Bug report
Current behavior:
Hello, I'm experiencing some issues while collecting analytical data.
I'm using Ionic v5.x
When calling this.firebaseX.setScreenName('AnyScreenName')
following error appears in Xcode console
[Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS031000] Ignoring call to setScreenName:screenClass:. Screen reporting is disabled.
Analytics Collection is enabled. I can't even see the reporting in google analytics nor in firebase.
Expected behavior:
The screen reporting should collect information and show in google analytics and firebase
Steps to reproduce:
Install the plugin, write the code to set the screen name, build for ios, watch the xcode console output
Environment information
- Cordova CLI version
9.0.0 (cordova-lib@9.0.1)
- Cordova platform version
ios 5.1.1
- Plugins & versions installed in project (including this plugin)
cordova plugin ls
- Dev machine OS and version, e.g.
ProductName: Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.15.3
BuildVersion: 19D76
Related code:
Console output
console output
// Paste any relevant JS/native console output here
2020-02-26 08:48:46.979065+0100 appName[19556:4954651] 6.17.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS031000] Ignoring call to setScreenName:screenClass:. Screen reporting is disabled.
Other information: