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dovca committed Sep 8, 2019
1 parent b9b7593 commit 9cd664b
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Showing 11 changed files with 308 additions and 36 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
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@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -319,15 +319,17 @@ v(...'donkey').join('') // -> 'yeknod'

### `w` - While
`w(C, F)` calls function `F` repeatedly as long as `C()` returns a [truthy]( value. `w()` returns the return value of the last call to `F`.
`w(C, F, R)` calls function `F` repeatedly as long as `C()` returns a [truthy]( value. `w()` returns the return value of the last call to `F`. In each iteration, both calls to `C` and `F` are passed the return value of `F()` from the previous iteration. In the first iteration, this value is equal to `R`. If argument `R` is omitted, it defaults to 0.`

let A = 0, B = 0;
w(() => A < 5, () => (console.log(A), A++)) // -> 4 (and logs 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
w(() => B < 5, () => (console.log(B), ++B)) // -> 5 (and logs 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
w(() => false, () => (console.log('foo'), 'bar')) // -> undefined (and nothing is logged)
w(() => true, () => console.log('donkey')) // -> throws RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded (this will print so many donkeys though...)
w(() => A < 5, () => (console.log(A), A++)) // -> 4 (and logs 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
w(() => B < 5, () => (console.log(B), ++B)) // -> 5 (and logs 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
w((C) => C < 5, (C) => (console.log(C), ++C)) // -> 5 (and logs 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
w((V) => c(V), ([A, ...B]) => (console.log(A), B), [1, 2, 3]) // -> [] (and logs 1, 2, 3)

### `x` - Extract
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14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions dependencies.svg
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247 changes: 247 additions & 0 deletions examples/poker.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
//Import FP-JS functions
{$, _, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z} = require('../lib/functions'),
//Function to get synchronous input
{question} = require('readline-sync'),
//Use random numbers
{random} = Math,
//Function to output a message
print = (text) => process.stdout.write(text),
//The number 250
twoHundredFifty = p(a, d, a, d, a, d, a, d, a, d, d, a, d)(),
//The number 13
thirteen = g(a, d, d, a, d, a)(),
//The number 10
ten = g(d, a, d, d, a)(),
//The number 5
five = g(a, d, d, a)(),
//Function to get a card rank
getCardRank = ([rank]) => rank,
//Function to format a cash amount
formatCash = (cash) => s('Cash: $', cash, i($(l, cash, a()), $(s()), $(z()))),
every = (array, fn) => r((V, A) => n(o(n(A), n(fn(V)))), ...array, e()),
some = (array, fn) => r((V, A) => o(A, fn(V)), ...array, l()),
//Array.protoype.sort (bubblesort)
sort = (array, fn) => ((
sort = ([A, B,]) => i(
$(e, B),
$(y, A),
() => i(
$(fn, A, B),
() => y(A, ...sort(y(B,,
() => y(B, ...sort(y(A,
) => x(z(), w(
([, I]) => l(z(), I),
([result, I]) => y(sort(result), b(I)),
y(array, c(array))
//Array of all cards
cards = $(
(rankValues, rankNames, suits, suitSymbols) => $(
(zippedValues) => x(z(), w( //Create sets of cards of each suit
([, I]) => l(I, c(suits)),
([result, I]) => y(
...m((Z) => t(Z, x(I, suits), x(I, suitSymbols)), ...zippedValues) //Create card structure [rank, name, suit, symbol]
y(y(), z()) //Start with [[], 0]
x(z(), w( //rankValues and rankNames zipped together
([, I]) => l(I, thirteen),
([result, I, [V, ...values], [N, ...names]]) => y(t(result, y(V, N)), a(I), values, names),
y(y(), z(), rankValues, rankNames)
w( //Numbers from 2 to 14
(X) => l(c(X), thirteen), //While length of array is smaller than 13
(X) => t(X, a(x(b(c(X)), X))), //Append (X[-1] + 1) to X
t( //Numbers from 2 to 10 and named ranks
(nine) => w(
(X) => l(c(X), nine), //While length of array is smaller than 9
(X) => t(X, a(x(b(c(X)), X))), //Append (X[-1] + 1) to X
), //Start with X = [2]
g(a, d, d, d, a)()
'Jack', 'Queen', 'King', 'Ace'
y('Clubs', 'Diamonds', 'Hearts', 'Spades'),
y('♣', '♦', '♥', '♠')
//Function to return a new shuffled array
shuffle = (array) => $(
(X) => g(X, X, X, X, X)(array),
(values) => x(z(), w(
([result]) => l(c(result), c(values)), //While there are still values left to pick
([result, [head, ...H], [tail, ...T]]) => i(
() => l(a(), d(random())),
() => y(t(result, head), H, y(tail, ...T)), //Pick a value from the beginning
() => y(t(result, tail), y(head, ...H), T) //Pick a value from the end
y(y(), values, v(...values))
//Function to group array elements by equal properties
//group([[1], [3], [2], [4], [2], [1], [1]], 0) -> [ [[1],[1],[1]], [[2],[2]], [[4]], [[3]] ]
group = (array, propFunction) => $(
(compare) => r( //reduce cards with accumulator A = [] by C:
(C, A) => i( //if A contains a group with a card equal to C
() => k(
$(some(A, (V) => compare(x(z(), V), C))),
() => m( //A = map A by G:
(G) => i( //if G[0] equals C
$(compare, x(z(), G), C),
$(t, G, C), //push C to G and return G
$(G) //return G unchanged
$(t, A, y(C)) //push [C] to A
(A, B) => e(x(propFunction(), A), x(propFunction(), B))
//Function to sort cards by rank
sortByRank = (C) => sort(C, (A, B) => l(getCardRank(A), getCardRank(B))),
//Function to get the display name of a card
getCardDisplayName = ([rank, name, suit, symbol]) => s(
w( //Get a short name padded to length 2
(V) => l(c(V), d()),
(V) => s(' ', V),
s(i($(l, ten, rank), $(x, z(), name), $(rank))) //If it's not a number, use the first letter
' of ',
//Function that plays a new game
getNextRound = ([c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, ...remainingDeckCards], cash, round) => (
playingCards = y(c0, c1, c2, c3, c4),
_dummy = print(s('\n', ...x(z(), w( //Print numbered cards
([, , I]) => l(I, five),
([result, [C,], I]) => y(t(result, s(a(I), ': ', getCardDisplayName(C), '\n')), rest, a(I)),
y([], playingCards, z())
)), '\n')),
userCardSelection = question('Which cards do you want to keep? (1-5, space separated) '),
selectedCardIndices = f((V) => n(e(V, ' ')), ...userCardSelection),
[discardedCards, selectedCards] = x(z(), w( //Process the user input ant divide five cards into discarded and selected
([, I]) => l(I, five),
([[discard, select], I], nextIndex = a(I), currentCard = x(I, playingCards)) => k(
f((V) => e(V, s(nextIndex)), ...selectedCardIndices), //User input is 1-based, that's why nextIndex is used
() => y(y(discard, t(select, currentCard)), nextIndex), //Select this card
() => y(y(t(discard, currentCard), select), nextIndex) //Discard this card
y(y(y(), y()), z())
[refilledCards, deckCards] = x(z(), w( //Refill playing cards from the deck
([, I]) => l(z(), I),
([[refilled, deck], I]) => y(y(t(refilled, x(z(), deck)), q(deck)), b(I)),
y(y(selectedCards, t(remainingDeckCards, ...discardedCards)), c(discardedCards)) //Put the discarded cards back in the deck
jacksOrBetter = (hand) => some(
group(f((C) => l(ten, getCardRank(C)), ...hand), $(z())), //Filter only JQKA and group by rank
(G) => e(d(), c(G)) //Find a group with two cards
twoPairs = (hand) => e(d(), c(f((G) => e(d(), c(G)),, $(z()))))),
threeOfAKind = (hand) => some(group(hand, $(z())), (G) => e(a(d()), c(G))),
straight = (hand) => $(
(sortedNormal, sortedAceRankedOne) => some(
y(sortedNormal, sortedAceRankedOne),
(C) => n(x(z(), w(
([, , I]) => l(I, d(d())),
([result, [A, B,], I]) => y(
//Check if the rank difference between neighboring cards is 1
o(result, n(e(a(), b(getCardRank(B), getCardRank(A))))),
y(l(), C, z())
sortByRank(m( //Ace can be the lowest card in a straight, make its rank 1
(V) => i(
$(e, a(thirteen), getCardRank(V)),
$(y(a(), ...q(V))),
flush = (hand) => e(a(), c(group(hand, $(d())))),
fullHouse = (hand) => $(
(groupedByRank) => n(o(
n(some(groupedByRank, (G) => e(a(d()), c(G)))), //Check for 3 cards of the same rank
n(some(groupedByRank, (G) => e(d(), c(G)))) //Check for 2 cards of the same rank, but a different one
group(hand, $(z()))
fourOfAKind = (hand) => some(group(hand, $(z())), (G) => e(d(d()), c(G))),
straightFlush = (hand) => n(o(
royalFlush = (hand) => n(o(
n(e(ten, getCardRank(x(z(), sortByRank(hand))))) //First card is a ten
[combination, prize] = h(
y($(royalFlush, refilledCards), () => y('Royal flush!', twoHundredFifty)), //250
y($(straightFlush, refilledCards), () => y('Straight flush!', p(a, d, a, d, d, d, a, d)())), //50
y($(fourOfAKind, refilledCards), () => y('Four of a kind!', p(a, d, a, d, d, d, a)())), //25
y($(fullHouse, refilledCards), () => y('Full house!', p(a, d, d, d)())), //8
y($(flush, refilledCards), () => y('Flush!', p(a, d, d, a)())), //5
y($(straight, refilledCards), () => y('Straight!', p(a, d, d)())), //4
y($(threeOfAKind, refilledCards), () => y('Three of a kind!', p(a, d, a)())), //3
y($(twoPairs, refilledCards), () => y('Two pairs!', d())), //2
y($(jacksOrBetter, refilledCards), () => y('Jacks or better!', a())), //1
y($(e()), () => y('No win.', z())) //0
newCash = a(prize, cash),
_dummy2 = print(s( //Print the results
...m((C) => s(' ', getCardDisplayName(C), '\n'), ...refilledCards),
' ',
result = i(
$(l, round, twoHundredFifty), //Check if there haven't been too many rounds
() => i(
$(l, newCash, a()), //Check if the player still has money
() => print('You have no more money. See you later!\n'),
() =>(
question('Press Enter to play again'),
//Put the winning cards back in the deck, shuffle and play again
getNextRound(shuffle(t(deckCards, ...refilledCards)), b(newCash), a(round))()
() => print('You have played too much today. See you later!')
) => result,
startGame = (
print(s(formatCash(ten), '\n\n')),
question('Press Enter to play'),
getNextRound(shuffle(cards), ten, a())
) => startGame())();
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions lib/functions.debug.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -157,12 +157,12 @@ i = (C, T, F = _) => x(z(o(C())), y(F, T))();

* w - While
* @param {function(): boolean} C function that returns the condition expression
* @param {function(): *} F function to call each iteration
* @param {*} [R] (internal use) expression to return at the end
* @param {function(*): boolean} C function that returns the condition expression
* @param {function(*): *} F function to call each iteration
* @param {*} [R] expression to return at the end
* @returns {*} whatever the last call to F returned or undefined
w = (C, F, R) => i(C, () => w(C, F, F()), $(R));
w = (C, F, R = Z) => i($(C, R), () => w(C, F, F(R)), $(R));

* c - Count
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/functions.debug.min.js

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions lib/functions.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -155,12 +155,12 @@ i = (C, T, F = _) => x(z(o(C())), y(F, T))();

* w - While
* @param {function(): boolean} C function that returns the condition expression
* @param {function(): *} F function to call each iteration
* @param {*} [R] (internal use) expression to return at the end
* @param {function(*): boolean} C function that returns the condition expression
* @param {function(*): *} F function to call each iteration
* @param {*} [R] expression to return at the end
* @returns {*} whatever the last call to F returned or undefined
w = (C, F, R) => i(C, () => w(C, F, F()), $(R));
w = (C, F, R = Z) => i($(C, R), () => w(C, F, F(R)), $(R));

* c - Count
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/functions.min.js

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.


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