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Dotnet tool command doesn't respect nuget packages path #15306




It's possible to change the path for nuget packages globally by setting NUGET_PACKAGES environment variable (there're other means of achieving it check the documentation for details) .
Once that done dotnet tool fails to start local tool. I guess it happens as tool was actually restored to nonstandard path, dotnet tool is not able to find it there and consistently asks to run dotnet tool restore.


  1. Set NUGET_PACKAGES environment variable to some directory other than default %userprofile%/.nuget/packages
  2. Initialize tool manifest by running dotnet new tool-manifest
  3. Install some tool, e.g dotnet tool install paket
  4. Try to run tool, e.g dotnet paket init

Expected result

Tool is invoked (which is paket init in current case)

Actual result

Error message saying Run "dotnet tool restore" to make the "paket" command available.

Running restore as suggested doesn't help. But everything works as expected after I manually move tool from the directory it was restored to to the %userprofile%/.nuget/packages.

Haven't checked whether the same is actual for global tool installation, but would guess it is.


.NET SDK (reflecting any global.json):
 Version:   5.0.101
 Commit:    d05174dc5a

Runtime Environment:
 OS Name:     Windows
 OS Version:  10.0.18363
 OS Platform: Windows
 RID:         win10-x64
 Base Path:   C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\5.0.101\

Host (useful for support):
  Version: 5.0.1
  Commit:  b02e13abab

.NET SDKs installed:
  3.1.404 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
  5.0.101 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]


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