- Revert "Remove scope variance exceptions" (76655)
- Snap main to 17.13 P3 (76647)
- Put WRN_InterceptsLocationAttributeUnsupportedSignature into .NET 9 warning wave (76642)
- Remove need to pass generator parameter to helper methods (76627)
- Fix assembly load when file path contains URI reserved chars (76617)
- Make full source build pure NetCurrent (76640)
- Expose breakable range handler to Razor (76629)
- Update 'use compound expr' to support 'field keyword' (76639)
- Do not offer 'use auto prop' with ref-fields (76638)
- Use the target branch for bootstrap build documentation (76628)
- Remove scope variance exceptions (76296)
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 327: Build ID 2602943 (76454)
- Merge release/dev17.12 to release/dev17.13 (76458)
- Remove Edgio CDN usage (76431)
- Remove Edgio CDN usage to release/dev17.13 (76438)