A task can safely cache TaskItem
s as far as I can tell. We should document that.
I validated with code like this:
A task that trivially caches a TaskItem
public class Class1 : Task
private static TaskItem item = new("itemSpec",
new Dictionary<string, string>() {
["MetaA"] = "valueA"
public TaskItem OutParam { get; private set; }
public override bool Execute()
OutParam = item;
return true;
A project that calls it twice and modifies the output of the first time:
<UsingTask TaskName="Class1" AssemblyFile="S:\play\task-transformation\bin\Debug\net5.0\task-transformation.dll" />
<Target Name="TryModify">
<Output TaskParameter="OutParam" ItemName="O" />
<Message Importance="High" Text="First O: @(O->'%(Identity), a: %(MetaA) b: %(MetaB)')" />
<O MetaB="b" />
<Message Importance="High" Text="Changed O: @(O->'%(Identity), a: %(MetaA) b: %(MetaB)')" />
<Output TaskParameter="OutParam" ItemName="O2" />
<Message Importance="High" Text="Last O: @(O->'%(Identity), a: %(MetaA) b: %(MetaB)')" />
<Message Importance="High" Text=" O2: @(O2->'%(Identity), a: %(MetaA) b: %(MetaB)')" />
This produces
❯ dotnet build .\XMLFile1.csproj
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 17.0.0-preview-21409-06+682bfcaf3 for .NET
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
First O: itemSpec, a: valueA b:
Changed O: itemSpec, a: valueA b: b
Last O: itemSpec, a: valueA b: b
O2: itemSpec, a: valueA b:
Build succeeded.
0 Warning(s)
0 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:00:00.10
So the mutated object logged as "Changed O" must be a distinct object from the one in the static.